SCO stuff


Not really Banned
if anyone hasn't been keeping up with the SCO stuff, things are on the verge of hilarity as SCO tries to weasel it's way out of the grave it dug itself.

An Open Letter to Darl McBride said:
Friday August 22, 2003 - [ 05:40 PM GMT ]
Topic - Advocacy

- by Eric S. Raymond -
Mr. McBride: Late yesterday I learned that you have charged that your company is the victim of an insidious conspiracy masterminded by IBM. You have urged the press and public to believe that the Open Source Initiative and the Free Software Foundation and Red Hat and Novell and various Linux enthusiasts are up in arms not because of beliefs or interests of their own, but because little gray men from Armonk have put them up to it. Bwahahaha! Fire up the orbital mind-control lasers!
the whole letter

slashdot said:
SCO's McBride claims that [0]IBM is stage-managing all the attacks and
bad press, which would probably explain why I cleared this article with
IBM World Headquarters before running it (not!). The publisher of
[1]Linux Journal invites SCO to sue. One of SCO's lawyers has this
[2]barely coherent interview where he spouts legal rubbish for a gullible
reporter. There's an [3]interview in German ([4]machine translation) with
SCO's execs. And finally, SCO is [5]still hoping for a settlement with
IBM. Update: 08/22 18:26 GMT by [6]M: [7]ESR responds.

I read something the other day about them, SCO, displaying some code in a conference. Some guy pulled a camera out and grabbed a few pictures when they put snippets of the "code" on display. After pouring over it, they believe it's actually open source code that originated from some obsure SGI license or something along those lines. Something that they couldn't even touch. Not only that, but the code in question has long been abandoned by Linux as it originated sometime around 1973.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
i read an interview with tovards the other day where he said he thought the code was from the "ancient" unix archives. maybe i can find it before bed.
We run SCO Openserver 5.0.5, and I just watch this stuff and shake my head. SCO is run by idiots and morons, they should go into politics.
As the president of OSI, defending the community of open-source hackers against predators and carpetbaggers is mine — and if you don't stop trying to destroy Linux and everything else we've worked for I guarantee you won't like what our alliance is cooking up next.

