Scooby doobie doobie...


Kissy Goddess
Jenna was a beautiful young lady, but she didn't like the size of her boobs. So, she went to see a doctor by the name of Dr. Smith who was well known for his unusual practices.
"Dr. Smith, I really don't like the size of my boobs and I don't want implants. Is there anything you can do for me?"
"Sure," says Dr. Smith, "you need to repeat, 2 times a day,*Scoobie doobie doobie, I want bigger boobies*. Then come to see me in 4 weeks."

So off went Jenna, every morning, she'd say "Scoobie doobie doobie, I want bigger boobies" and she'd do the same every night. Soon, her boobs started to grow!!! At 4 weeks, they were perfect!! She told the Dr. and he said to cut it back to once a day in the morning for maintenance of the size and if she ever wanted to increase her bust size, to go back to two times a day.

One morning, Jenna was in such a hurry she totally forgot to say her boobie mantra!! So, on this crowded bus, she whispers to herself, "Scoobie doobie doobie, I want bigger boobies"

A gentleman beside her leans over and says, "Hey.. are you seeing Dr. Smith, by any chance?"

She looks a little shocked and says, "Yes, how did you know???"

"Hickory Dickory Dock..." how did her breasts grow without any medical intervention?....Self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps? She so wanted to appease her self with a larger bust so badly that by simply repeating the phrase the useless phrase she, in her mind, gained bigger breasts?

An interesting notion of the human psyche no? So badly does one want to fit in the demanding social regime that they'd fool themselves into believing what they need to. is the reverse "scrappy dappy doo, i want smaller boobs"? cuz scrappy doo was the smaller one....

has too much idle time
I believe that invoking Scrappie Doo's name anywhere is an invite to murder since nobody liked that little POS. Dying would make your breasts smaller so....
tonksy said: is the reverse "scrappy dappy doo, i want smaller boobs"? cuz scrappy doo was the smaller one....

has too much idle time
Methings you better ask Rob about that.

I believe that invoking Scrappie Doo's name anywhere is an invite to murder since nobody liked that little POS. Dying would make your breasts smaller so....
Great, now I'm a nobody.
Boffin hits it big with breast-enlarging ringtone
By Lester Haines
Published Friday 24th September 2004 15:06 GMT
Long-term readers will certainly recall the heartwarming tale of mammarily-challenged student Michel, the US lass who launched an online appeal to raise cash for surgery to transform her "itty-bitty boobies to big tatas!"

Well, she needn't have bothered, because a Japanese man has developed a breast-augmenting ringtone which has had oriental A-cups downloading like crazed breastless women in the hope of aurally-driven überjubblies.

Hideto Tomabechi - who apparently cut his scientific spurs deprogramming members of the AUM Shinrikyo doomsday cult - claims that his deliciously-titled "Rockmelon" ditty uses "sounds that make the brain and body move unconsciously". Tomabechio calls the subliminal mambooster a kind of "positive brainwashing" and further reckons that it's "a part of cognitive science".

Rather improbably, or should that be lamentably, Rockmelon enjoyed 10,000 downloads in its first week alone. One satisfied user said: "I listened to the tune for a week expecting all the time that I was being duped. But, incredibly, my 87-centimeter bust grew to 89 centimeters! It was awesome!" A spokesman for Media Chic - which punts the melody online - confirmed: "We haven't done any advertising for it, so I suppose the tune's success has come about through word of mouth. We've even received mail from one user who said they listened to the tune every night before going to sleep and it made her tits bigger."

That's proof enough for us. Tomabechi says he's planning further ringtones to help people quit smoking, combat baldness and attract a mate. Whether the latter category will include a suitably stirring penis-pumping anthem is not noted. ®

As we age, our priorities change.....

The other day I came home and was greeted by my wife,
dressed only in very sexy underwear and holding a couple of short velvet ropes.

"Tie me up," she purred, "and you can do anything you want."

So, I tied her up and went fishing.