

New Member
I really want to share this, even though it's probably insignificant to many.

I just got a 22/20 on my math test, and it completely made my day that much better. I've never done this good in math ever, and studying for 3 hours on it really paid off. I feel really good right now.

That is all :)

Does this mean you're also starting to like math? ;) :D :D
FluerVanderloo said:
I really want to share this, even though it's probably insignificant to many.

I just got a 22/20 on my math test, and it completely made my day that much better. I've never done this good in math ever, and studying for 3 hours on it really paid off. I feel really good right now.

That is all :)

Not insignificant!! AWESOME!!! Congrats!
Keeping my fingers crossed. I have to do it with chem, too.

Anyone know an easy way to remember the rules of solubility? If you seriously do, I'll give you a cookie or something. Too many stupid exceptions.
"Score!", while in college, used to mean something totally different. I guess that's a good thing.
Extra credit questions maybe? They did that in my school. Although, like Fleur, I was not the greatest math student. Not until college at least when I stopped being lazy about it and we all figured out why I was so bad at it. Seeing numbers backwards really isn't conducive to doing well in math.

Fleur, congrats. The hard part is not doing it once, it's making it consistent! Good luck with it, work hard. :)
Yeah, it was an extra credit question. I had to fully factor a function. I would have had no clue if my friend Sam hadn't showed me how to do it 5 minutes before we took it. I owe my extra credit to that kid.