*scratching my head*

It was right after they pulled them from storage from the previous year. Apparently, they weren't cleaned properly.
My youngest daughter had a recurring case of them last year, about six times in a row, finally narrowed it down to one kid in her class that even though the parents were told, never treated him. Finally got to the point where the kid was not allowed back to school til the parents treated him and he was inspected by the nurse before going to class.

I still think that kids parents need to be beaten.
yup. i know of this one family who ALWAYS has lice. their youngest daughter was in elementary and she had lice so often, that she was able to pick them out herself. she was the cutest little girl, but you were scared to go by her.

and you're probably thinking her parents are uneducated people, right? wrong. her mother was a professor at the university :tardbang:
Almost everyone below 14 on my wife's side of the family has chronic head lice. Brandi is always having to go through her neice's hair, for example. It gets a bit annoying.

Ringworm was never a big problem at my school, even on the wrestling team. I never had it. Of course, we would mop the mats with a special solution before every practice and before every match.
ash r said:

lice are more attracted to clean heads, because there's less crud to obstruct the feeding source, i.e., the scalp.

just thought i'd mention that, cos it always peeves me when people think that lice=dirty, when quite the opposite is true.

i didn't know that, and i believe it to be true, however do you think a clean person will tolerate lice?

No one that is related to me has had lice, and every single lice case i've known of is always on dirty people.

I just spoke based on what i've seen.