Screening Tools Slow to Arrive in U.S. Airports


New Member
I have a better idea, have a pit bull/rottweiler mix dog trained to sniff out explosives and will grab onto the nuts of the offending nut case...
EGG HARBOR, N.J. — Citing unexpected reliability problems, the Transportation Security Administration is suspending installation of the only airport checkpoint device that automatically screens passengers for hidden explosives.

The rollout of the devices, trace-detection portals, nicknamed puffers because they blow air while searching for explosives residue, had already been far behind schedule. Now the transportation agency is assessing whether to modify the puffers, upgrade them or wait until better devices are available.

“We are seeing some issues that we did not anticipate,” Randy Null, the agency’s chief technology officer, said last week.
Let me guess. Windows OS? :lol:

Nope. Those things are a PITA to work with. Get one thing wrong, no matter how minor, and they won't work properly. We were supposed to get them on all AMC bases that have a PAX terminal, but we dropped those walk-throughs like a bad habit after the problems Dover had (and still has). Even the hand-helds cause problems. I suggested buying a beagle for every terminal, but that idea didn't go over very well...
Nope. Those things are a PITA to work with. Get one thing wrong, no matter how minor, and they won't work properly. We were supposed to get them on all AMC bases that have a PAX terminal, but we dropped those wlak-throughs like a bad habit after the problems Dover had (and still has). Even the hand-helds cause problems. I suggested buying a beagle for every terminal, but that idea didn't go over very well...


Arren used to be in Dover several years ago.