Screw Artichokes


Staff member
Y'all can have your artichokes...I got something WAY better!!!


Feast your eyes on THIS :brush:
Spot said:
i like their cinnomon sticks

I never had'em...I'm like an old ladywith my cinnabons. I like the original, don't wanna hear of this new fangled stuff.
what are you doing woman? you can't eat that with a FORK!!


you have to get in and get messy!

fork?! BLASPHEMY!!!
:rofl4: @ Gonz

Les: If I ate it with my fingers I'd refuse to wash them...that would be a waste...I'd just lick forever...I still have the plate and knife and fork here...I keep licking them off over and over.
damn you, woman, now i'm hungry for cinnabon ... after cheating on my diet last week with krispi kreme, a cinnabon will be my total downfall!!
Ku'u: :grinyes:

tonksy: What kind of crazk are you on?! 8 years girlie?!

BeardofPants: You are SO missing out

AB: Think of the poor people who CAN'T get CAN eat them so you MUST eat them...end of story :p

Oz: All I have ot say is....BLASPHAMY
Nixy said:

AB: Think of the poor people who CAN'T get CAN eat them so you MUST eat them...end of story :p

I have no idea where to even get a "Cinnabon",when I first saw this thread I thought it was simply a misspelled short form of Cinnamon Bun.
Well now, AB, you know what you have to do now, don't you? On behalf of all those in back-ass-wards countries, you owe it to us all to sacrifice one of those cinna-whojamiwatsits, so you can tell me if I'm missing out or not. :lloyd:
A.B.Normal said:
I have no idea where to even get a "Cinnabon",when I first saw this thread I thought it was simply a misspelled short form of Cinnamon Bun.

You get it at the store called "Cinnabon" they can be found in food courts in many great malls.
Nixy said:
You get it at the store called "Cinnabon" they can be found in food courts in many great malls.

Here seems to be the only Canadian location not in must go there immediately... :lloyd:

Vancouver International Airport (HMS Host)
Richmond, B.C. British Columbia V7B 1X1
Well it would be $100+ for the Ferry fare alone,them better be some good bons.

*makes note to visit Richmond when on Holidays at the end of June*
I've never had cinnabon either. I guess I can add that to my to-do list, along with Waffle House.
Oz said:
It looks horrible :sick:

yup... that's my memory of it... had one at an airport once many years ago... actually I only got through half of it before I felt nauseated... thought they only sold them in airports to take advantage of the bored and sleep deprived...