Sean Hannity Apologizes To Jon Stewart


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Fox News' Sean Hannity apologized last night for using footage of a much bigger 9/12 rally during a segment about Rep. Michele Bachmann's tea party rally at the Capitol last week -- apparently in an attempt to make the tea party look much bigger than it actually was. Jon Stewart called Hannity out on the video snafu on The Daily Show earlier this week.

Hannity's apology came at the end of his show.

"Although it pains me to say this, Jon Stewart, Comedy Central, he was right."

Hannity continued:

Now on his program last night he mentioned that we had played some incorrect video on this program last week while talking about the Republican health care rally on Capitol Hill. He was correct. We screwed up. We aired some video of a rally in September, along with the video from the actual event. It was an inadvertent mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. So Mr. Stewart, you were right. We apologize. But by the way, I wanna thank you and all your writers for watching.

Here's the video:

And in case you missed it, you can watch the original Daily Show video here.

lol, funny how some people see the honorable apology as a sign of weakness.

I wish the leftist liberals were capable of seeing a mistake when it pointed out to them. ...never happen.

Good for you Hannity for taking responsibility and man'ing up to it. :thumbup:
lol, funny how some people see the honorable apology as a sign of weakness.

I wish the leftist liberals were capable of seeing a mistake when it pointed out to them. ...never happen.

Nobody was taking the apology as a sign of weakness and liberals can see a mistake when it's pointed out much better than conservatives.

THe question that remains is if someone purposely tried to pull one over on their viewers by showing the larger crowd. Seems like an odd mistake to make. You'd really have to have some poor organizational skills.
Nobody was taking the apology as a sign of weakness and liberals can see a mistake when it's pointed out much better than conservatives.

THe question that remains is if someone purposely tried to pull one over on their viewers by showing the larger crowd. Seems like an odd mistake to make. You'd really have to have some poor organizational skills.

By odd mistake you mean he was purposely trying to deceive millions of people, right?

Yeah, putting out 5 hours of national live broadcast a week is something where mistakes never happen. When they do it's "odd".

Get back to zeitgeist.
By odd mistake you mean he was purposely trying to deceive millions of people, right?

Hard to say. Maybe.

Yeah, putting out 5 hours of national live broadcast a week is something where mistakes never happen. When they do it's "odd".

Yes seems odd to mix up footage from a month ago with fresh footage. You'd have to have some awful organization methods. But I suppose maybe you see them mixing up month old footage all the time.

Get back to zeitgeist.

I went to a bar in San Francisco called Zeitgeist a couple years ago. I'd love to go back. Huge patio out back with lots of picnic tables and some BBQ going on. I don't know when I'll be in the vicinity again though.
hannity showed some wrong footage.
He's not the one that said it was much bigger though was he?
Whos' saying it was bigger?
the article I guess..I dunno, it was the one You linked.

See the thing is,...this wasn't a media event, and wasn't camera friendly so much,
so it got little coverage, even by fox.
This was a citizen/representative event. Only the so called representatives
that these people wanted to see, were cowering in secret.
These citizens were All over DC, and local offices.

The number of votes on the Dem side for 'nay' That told the Real story
of the Real turn out.
Oh yes, this was quite a big event, that Couldn't be captured on a single camera, and it wasn't supposed to be.

different tactics are being applied, and some people haven't figure out what's going on yet.
Much like the congress doing Their stuff in the dark.
Oh yes, "there's thangs going' on".
the article I guess..I dunno, it was the one You linked.

The article ays that the earlier thing was much bigger than the recent thing.

Only the so called representatives
that these people wanted to see, were cowering in secret.

I think they were just going about their day like any other day.

The number of votes on the Dem side for 'nay' That told the Real story
of the Real turn out.

No, that tells you who gets money from the healthcare lobbyists. And the others like Kucinich who didn't vote for it because they want it to be stronger than it is.

Oh yes, this was quite a big event, that Couldn't be captured on a single camera, and it wasn't supposed to be.

It was a pretty minor event.

different tactics are being applied, and some people haven't figure out what's going on yet.
Much like the congress doing Their stuff in the dark.
Oh yes, "there's thangs going' on".

There's always thangs going on.
I can see and hear the difference between real stuff and the stuff you wish you heard and saw.

I realize as a recipient of government run healthcare you wish this was a major event since you would like to prevent other people from having a similar option to the one you use.
what you think you saw, isn't what you thought you saw

ah yes the final arbiter of reality has spoken
I realize as a recipient of government run healthcare you wish this was a major event since you would like to prevent other people from having a similar option to the one you use.

you got me all wrong on that, and I feel no need to explain farther, giving
any more perceived credence to that statement.
Re: what you think you saw, isn't what you thought you saw

ah yes the final arbiter of reality has spoken

Fox using the wrogn footage is real. It happened. Fox admits it.

Cowering insecret is made up wishful thinking. There's no evidence of that.

See the difference?
you got me all wrong on that, and I feel no need to explain farther, giving
any more perceived credence to that statement.

You have/had government run healthcare and are against the public option. You've said so yourself.
His medical issues are being handled
FURTHER evidence this isn't about healthcare
it's the power grab of the century!

gimme da govenment cheese please
You have/had government run healthcare and are against the public option. You've said so yourself.

a New option, does not equal fixing the current option.

I have stated my opinion on the matter here already....look it back up.
HANNITY: Finally tonight...Although it pains me to say this, Jon Stewart, Comedy Central - he was right.

Now, on his program last night he mentioned that we had played some incorrect video on this program last week while talking about the Republican Health Care rally on Capitol Hill.

He was correct, we screwed up - we aired some video of a rally in September, along with a video from the actual event. It was an inadvertent mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. So Mr. Stewart, you were right… we apologize… and by the way, I want to thank you, and all your writers, for watching.

I doubt it was intentional. He's a busy man doing 3 hours a day every day on radio and then 1 hour a night every night on tv. I'm sure some staffer accidently inserted the wrong video.