Sean Hannity Apologizes To Jon Stewart

All these accidents...

* countless (D)'s in front of (R) fuckups
* saying Saddam would use flood water as a weapon of mass destruction
* showing looters driving a truck away in Baghdad and insisting it was a mobile WMD lab
* using footage of agricultural supplies in Karbala saying they are chemical weapons
* using fake footage of cuban hospitals
* rallying crowds for news footage
* falsifying information on wikipedia
* claiming obama is allowing terrorists to attack america .....

Yeah, your editing video footage and instead of using the tape, disc, etc that just came that morning you somehow pull footage from an archive of 2 months ago. Just an "honest mistake". Sure. Alrighty then.

Whats there to debate, Hannity made a mistake and apologized. You pointed it out for everyone. Nobody cares.

That about covers it.
Or it wasn't a mistake and people do care.

I realize you like to post your wishful thinking fantasies as if they were true though.
next question...
was it hannity's conscious doings, or simply a tech mistake of pulling the wrong file?
Mixing up footage you took that day with archived footage from a couple months ago happens all the time.
The fate of nations is at stake over fake vid?

She's a freakin' monstrous mound of wiggling whale blubber!
You mean footage that someone else shot, then fed into a PC in another city by an engineer. Then barked for by a production team, pulled up by a staffer, then passed on to an editor in and placed in que by an engineer then prompted into play by the show director in NYC.

Yeah, Hannity did it. :laugh3: