Second chance?


New Member
I think I need some friendly advice...

Many, many years ago, I went out with this guy in my ambulance corps. Our relationship didn't last long, only a few months. We broke up because his ex girlfriend started hanging around, telling him she wanted him back together and he was a wuss about it, not standing up to her. He didn't have the balls enough to say that he was with me now. (or so I thought)

Then I found out while we were 'on the rocks' but not 'broken up' that he had sex with her. He tried to say that he thought we had broken it off, but in the end he admitted that that was just an excuse. I had a few choice words for him, made sure he understood that it was REALLY over now and left it at that.

We still worked together at the corps so we were civil and over the years, all of that was forgotten. We became friends again, part of a larger group of people our age and it stayed that way for years.

A couple of years ago, he tried to commit suicide. He took an OD of pills for various reasons, problems with his wife (who was also a friend of mine) and finanical problems. He survived but things continued to fall apart. He and his wife got a divorce (she was very spiteful and took him for all he was worth), he went into debt and had to move back in with his parents, and start all over again.

During this time, I was working a full time job and going to school full time at night. Many nights after coming home from school at 11pm, exhausted, I would find him waiting for me in front of my house. I would never turn him away, I was so afraid he would try to commit suicide again. We would talk for hours. He would call me a lot, tell me how his therapy was going... I have to say I was damn good support for him.

He recovered nicely, got a new job, things were going better. That's when he stopped calling. I saw and heard from him more seldom until it was months between contact. I had just met Rusty before all this happened so I was busy in my own life but when I realized what was happening, I let it go. I figured if the friendship was only one of convenience for him, that I didn't need that and I made no effort to contact him.

I got an email from him today, over 2 years later. I had visited the ambulance corps out of the blue last week so I figured someone mentioned to him that I was there but he says no, that it's just a coincidence. He said he's been trying to "build up the courage" to contact me. When I asked why, this is what he said:

"It goes back about 2 years ago...when I was still in "a bad place". I promised myself I wasn't going to call unless I have good news. Over the last year I've had good news, but was nervous about calling."

Notice the use of the word "I".

I emailed him back and pretty much told him (in my own blunt, tactless way) that whatever his reasons may be, I feel like he's only around when he needs something and that I thought he's been pretty selfish. That I only have two friends in my life that I put any energy into; Rusty and my best friend Bobbi. That if he's looking for a friendship of convenience on his terms, I'm not into that.

He knows me well enough to expect that kind of response (which is probably why he had to 'build up' the courage to email) so I'm not completely ok with what I've already said. I'm just unsure of my next response. Our friendship hasn't been all bad, we've had some good times. There were times that I needed him and he was there, he helped me to find an Al-Anon group and work through my issues with alcoholism in my family and my ex boyfriend. We were tight for some years.

But the negative stuff I think about him seems to be more prevalent than the good stuff. I don't know if that's because of my tendency to hold grudges or if it's because my gut is telling me not to bother, that it's not worth it in this point of my life.

I could always just email him and not expend any other energy. It would keep me "in the know" about the corps and what's happening there since I'm not around all that much anymore. It doesn't take much to email and I like to type. ;)

Maybe an "email only" friendship? Or just keep the ties cut and blow it off? Or just not contact him all that much and see if he persists in trying to form a friendship, validating that he's changed?

What do you think? What would you do?
Hmmm...Seems this 'brain vs heart' thing is contagious....If the friendship can be salvaged, even in a limited way, I would salvage it. I've experienced a similar betrayal by someone and it did me a world of good to realize I could rise above the anger and hate...and remember the wonderful moments.
Well, first question is what would Rusty think? Even if there is nothing going on, it would make me uncomfortable for me if my wife wanted to become friends with an old boyfriend again. You can't exactly hide it from him either, or it would be worse when he does find out.

Has he said what the "Good News" is? I would be as leary as you to become friends again, it does seem as if he needs you for support more than anything, or maybe he's just looking for a pat on the back. Nothing wrong with that really, just make sure you understand up front that that may be all he wants.
Rusty has been cool about the whole "ex boyfriend-turned-friend" thing being that I am friendly with at least 4 of my ex's. When I say friendly, I mean as an aquaintance. I used to be closer to them but we have all lost touch over the years.

I would never keep this from Rusty. As a matter of fact, I forwarded the email that I sent to him. I've already talked to him about it today and he's cool with whatever I decide as long as I don't let him take advantage of my friendship. He and I had a disagreement years ago about the friend so it was a little strained then. Rusty thought he was crossing the bounds and expecting too much of me. I thought he was in danger of trying to kill himself (again) and didn't see any bounds of friendship. You do whatever you can for a friend in their time of need, right? That was my attitude then.
PuterTutor said:
Has he said what the "Good News" is? I would be as leary as you to become friends again, it does seem as if he needs you for support more than anything, or maybe he's just looking for a pat on the back. Nothing wrong with that really, just make sure you understand up front that that may be all he wants.

Sorry, forgot to address this part. No, he hasn't said what the news is yet. It's probably something like that he has a new girlfriend or is engaged or is buying a house or something. If he is just looking to have an 'email friendship', I think I'm ok with that. I'd treat it no differently than the friendships I have with you on the board.

Squiggs, I know what you mean. I have made similar decisions like that and given people second and third chances, usually to be let down again. Are you still friends with the one who you gave the second chance to?
I'd keep things via email by now, if he wants to have a personal friendship he'll tell you with time, or maybe you'll tell him.

Better to start on a lower level of friendship again than pretend everything is still fine between you two.
I guess an e-mail friendship won't do any harm. Maybe he's anxious to talk about his good news. There's a sentence I heard a lot in the last days: "sometimes the person that never calls you is the one that thinks more about you". I know that's true because I use to think about this girl I had an involvement in the past and I would love to know how she's doing. But I let too much time past and I fear I wouldn't be welcome today... Anyway I think of her alot, despite I never really loved her. Maybe your friend didn't forget you after all this time he was just trying do go ahead on his own. I think he could have been honet saying he was hoping to have some good things to tell. I am like that sometimes :)
During a time when things weren't going well for me (to say the least) I became very reclusive because I felt bad for only having depressive things to talk about when asked "hows it going?" by people I really cared about... :shrug:
Wow, greenie, that's a tough one! If it were me, I'd probably try to stay in contact with him, but wouldn't go out of my way to do it :shrug:'s my take on this...

1. The guy used you once, but may not have meant to. I say may not have because it sounds like he was pretty depressed at the time. :shrug: Without knowing him, personally, however, I can't say for sure.

2. After you broke up with him, he went on with his life, even to the point of marrying someone else...perhaps looking for something he couldn't find. Once again, without personal knowledge, I can't say for sure.

3. He attempts suicide. Perhaps to get either attention, or a serious call for help. Even a true attempt to end it all. The fact that he's still around could mean that he was just trying to get some kind of help. Trust me on this one. He thought he had nowhere else to go.

4. 2 years after all of this, he e-mails you with 'Good News'. Now I'm confused, whereas before, I was not sure what his motives are. Seems like he thinks he's over his depression, but what has that got to do with you, personally? :confuse2:

Looking at the overall picture, I'd say that the guy is still carrying a torch for you, but was afraid to totally commit. Also...this looks like it's a third chance. I wish I could give you something firm to deal with, but I can't. Sorry, GF. I have failed... :mope:
:laugh: Gato, it's cool, don't worry. :D

He responded to my email (hours later) with something like "I have no defense your honor" and told me he was sorry and that he didn't want to just spread bad tidings. Just like Squiggy said.

So I said, "Now that that's out of the way, what's the good news?" It wasn't anything specific, just that he's almost out of debt, been goin out with someone for a year, he has a high elected position at the ambulance corps, job is going well... So I briefly caught him up on what's going on with Rusty and I. He's going on vacation tomorrow for a week so I'll leave it at that for now and if he emails when he gets back, that's fine. If he doesn't, it will be what I expected.

I think, though, if he wanted to go out to lunch one day or something, I might decline. I don't think he's carrying a torch for me but I'm a flirt with my male friends, especially the ones at the corps, it's just that kind of thing. So he might be expecting the same kind of friendship we had before but that won't happen.

Thanks for your thoughts everyone. :)
Why do people always look to complicate things. They guy's an ass. Tell him to fuck off and be done with it.

Just in case anyone isn't aware, I'll clarify my position. Anyone who fails a suicide attempt was only looking for attention. (Cry for help, my ass) They take resources away from people who really need it. Anyone really wanting to commit suicide does something simple like hop off an overpass in front of a semi. Very low failure rate there. Here in Montreal, we actually have a suicide bridge for those not wanting to disturb others by their act. Alternately, sitcking your head out at the right time in the metro station is almost foolproof.
Naw. Fresh squeesed OJ, lightly buttered toast, poached eggs, and a square sausage on a Jack's roll. :thumbup: