Second chance?

Professur said:
Why do people always look to complicate things. They guy's an ass. Tell him to fuck off and be done with it.

Just in case anyone isn't aware, I'll clarify my position. Anyone who fails a suicide attempt was only looking for attention. (Cry for help, my ass) They take resources away from people who really need it. Anyone really wanting to commit suicide does something simple like hop off an overpass in front of a semi. Very low failure rate there. Here in Montreal, we actually have a suicide bridge for those not wanting to disturb others by their act. Alternately, sitcking your head out at the right time in the metro station is almost foolproof.

interesting point of view, with definately some truth in it :D
I have to agree with Prof on the failed suicides.

A long time ago in my 20s I was very depressed and on tabs... I had them all lined up ready to take and some bastard knocked on my door. It was then that I realised I was in such a position that I wouldn't be allowed to commit suicide, that someone would find me and I'd end up having my stomach pumped and in the local nuthouse - there was no way I was going through that. :sick: But I didn't have the courage to walk under a bus or jump in front of a train, so I guess I wasn't serious enough about wanting to kill myself. Or maybe it was just that I was convinced that no-one gave a damn and I wouldn't be missed - that incident proved me wrong I suppose and it was the turning point at which I began to get better.
I'd agree that you were right to say what you did - my suspicion would be that he feels you're important to him because you helped him through his "bad place". Whether you still want to be friends with him or not is entirely up to you, but has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that you used to go out.
And I'm sooooo glad for that, Em. Imagine that you had suceeded. You've over 4000 posts here. That's 4000 times you've expressed you opinion to us. 4000 times you've had something you felt worth saying, worth sharing. Figure an average of 40 people reading each post.

That'd be one helluva loss just for us here, doncha think? Then imagine how much time you spend here compared to in the real world, with your family and friends, aquaintances, collegues, even the Paki at the takeaway. Imagine all that, lost.
:disgust: ... 'scuse me.... now THAT'S depressing... think I'll just go top myself.... :lol:

You got a contract with the devil or something? Do you get extra "beastie" points based on your suicide rate? j/k :evilgrin:
a13antichrist said:
I'd agree that you were right to say what you did - my suspicion would be that he feels you're important to him because you helped him through his "bad place". Whether you still want to be friends with him or not is entirely up to you, but has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that you used to go out.

The going out thing was such a short time and the memory only serves to recall the pattern of selfishness and weakness of him. The best thing I got out of that relationship was a cool looking Hard Rock London t-shirt that I still have. :D

Hey Auntie, thanks for sharing that with us. :) I, for one, am sure glad you didn't go through with it. And I'm sure Katie is too. :)