secure instant mesaging


Not really Banned
does anyone know of any secure instant messaging systems available? my school network is hubbed and i dont like the idea of my conversations being monitored by others.
I was thinking of something Mission Impossible...that self destructs 30 seconds after you read it.
There's always good old invisible ink. I do like Q's idea too though, but how do leave a message for someone that isn't there?
I haven't seen Mission Impossible for like 30 years:eek: ...but somehow Mr. Phelps always got his message before it self destructed. I think they hid that giant reel to reel tape player in inconspicous places :D
I wondered what that whistling noise was. Thought we had a gasket leak. :laugh5:
Yes trillian pro is nice although I'm not to fond of thier security holes in it... They really need to revise there code personally I find thier programs have more holes than Micro$oft :bash:
thanks folks, i've sorta been looking for a client with a linux port seeing as how i don't have any windows boxes and if i did they'd sit unplugged in the corner, oh wait, they do!
drkavnger99 said:
Yes trillian pro is nice although I'm not to fond of thier security holes in it... They really need to revise there code personally I find thier programs have more holes than Micro$oft :bash:

Can't be any worse than MSN or AIM as is ;)