Sending an innocent man to jail...

LastLegionary said:
I've come pretty close to it. I lived for a while in South Africa, remember? Most violent country on earth, even worse than Israel and Middle East? Robbing kids' bikes at gunpoint? All that shit? I lost a family member (never knew him though) to murder a long time ago. My grandma was robbed a few weeks ago. People will break into your house just to mutilite you and kill you, not even to steal.

Ever heard of necklace killing? Tie the person up, put a car tire around his neck, put gas in the rim, and light it up. Cruel way to kill, and it happens all the time there. In the few times I visited that country, I usually carred a 38 special on me for self defense. /shrug My mom carries one, my dad carries two 9mm's, etc.

My brother and I were once walking in a mall, late at night. Someone tried to assult him, and we quickly dispached with him by knocking him unconscious. If he pulled a knife I would have shot him on the spot and walked a way. Its a hard country to live in. Even worse than Saudi Arabia.

Just some food for thought :)

you really like showing off don't ya? come to Tottenham, the Jamaicans shall make a small deal of dispatching you to your respective god ;)
:rofl2: No thanks, I don't wish reconstructive surgery at this time.

I like sharing life stories, and I like it when people do share their stories with me. It makes life more colorful and interesting.
yeah, or you could come to some "barrios bravos" in Mexico City, you would not make it out even if you were using a chain gun.
:rofl2: Um no, see I don't exactly go look for trouble where I know I will get my ass kicked. But, neither England nor Mexico has near the crime rate of South Africa. Consider yourself lucky. The people that live there live in fear. Now, between them Jamaicans and barrios bravos, who would reign supreme? ?( :)
Good question, might come down to who has the most firepower, cause when it comes to physical fightin the Jamaicans would whoop them barrios hard :D
not just sick but also wrong. the husband did nothing wrong. what the hell happened to being able to protect yourself your fam and house and so on? hes innocent and goes to jail. so fucking wrong. let him go and put the goddamn burglar in there. if he hadnt broken in it wouldnt have happened. and did anyone ask WHAT THE HELL HE WAS DOING IN THE HOUSE????????
Where is the fucking jury in that trial. No wonder Britain wants to get rid of the jury. They obviously don't fit in with the "ideas" of the socialists. I don't now who is worse, the people creating the laws or the judge that finds the man guilty.
judge didn't find him guilty, a jury did
he has yet to be sentenced, i doubt he will be given long, much like nofolk farmer tony martin.

it would appear he broke the law of 'reasonable force' in defence. as hexploit pointed out it is easy to keep doing somehting in the heat of the moment.

i'm not sold entirely on the idea that if you enter somones property illegally then any force is deemed reasonable. i think it could be open to exploitation. however, the law in the uk is currently somewhat biased in these sorts of cases [they are damn rare though].
i still don't think that the norfolk farmer should have been convicted of murder for shooting the burglar. but much of that case hinged on his owning a weapon illegally so its not as clear cut as that.

it might be that this case forces the issue back to the commons and changes are made as a result, i don't know.
I still don't see how he stabbed the man 12 times. I'd probably cramp up after 10... ;)

Seriously, though. This is what happens when people are too sensitive, or, shall we say, 'PC'.