Server move


Well-Known Member
Sam, fury, I see IH is in the middle of moving the jag server.
Isn't that the one y'all are on?
You might want to stay on top of the backups. I lost quite a few posts
during our move.
We're on the Corvette (one of their reseller servers), and I just ran a backup a few hours ago (testing for the vB3 Beta 7 upgrade)

Thanks for the heads up though :)
backups...pfah...who REALLY does backups anyways? everyone knows computers are magical benevolent beings that always work
laughs insanely at tommys joke. you really dont think gnomes sit inside and type all this stuff double spaced for us? well they do. we have to feed them too. little bastards.....
yes thanks for the heads up cat, they seem to have had quite a few problems with the server you were on. its to bad, they are very good at what they do.
yeah, they are pretty good.
I just wish they would have notified me before the move, via email, since
they rescheduled.

I do 4 backups a day now. :D
samcurry said:
laughs insanely at tommys joke. you really dont think gnomes sit inside and type all this stuff double spaced for us? well they do. we have to feed them too. little bastards.....
no wonder this joint costs so much to run.
yea they eat us out of house and home. but for kicks i get to step on 1 every month.

cat i cant believe steve didnt send out a email. he's usually pretty good about that. get on him aboot that, to many chances to lose post like you did already.
I didn't know a guy named Bill came every month, let alone with a gnome. What the hell, is the playboy just not working for him anymore? :tardbang: