Setting a precedent?

....But regardless, if you steal something in an Arab country and they cut your hand off, I say good for them!

So are you saying that EVERY SINGLE illegal alien outta' be rounded up and deported immediatly? (maybe make the felony cases do their time first). I'm COMPLETELY with you on that statement if your applying to US.

Do you support you own POV when it comes to American Law? ...or does it not comply to your liberal anti-american progressive teet feedings.


Don't go muddleing the statement, clearly... does your statement cover US soil as well?
Where did he blame the military?

That's making up shit. Otherwise known as conservatism.

Markjs said:
All too often Americans, servicemen especially, feel they can get away with breaking laws in foreign countries...

Markjs said:
The military has a long history of our servicemen disgracing their uniform and committing crimes...

Markjs said:
I think accountability is pretty piss poor for military personnel committing criminal acts

Markjs said:
...more than a very few American "bad seeds", military or no commit crimes on foreign soil

Basically this entire post

making up shit huh?
None, of that actually blames the military. You would have to add words that he did not say.

Otherwise known as making things up.
I can plainly see that you have nothing of substance to offer again.

The military generally doesn't make people disgrace their uniforms. Although without proper accountability you do have something known as "enabling".
Read carefully and stick to the black part, the white part is what you are imagining I am saying based on your own perception, and the slant you want to read into what I actually meant. I believe you people call it "spin" and you people believe only one side of the political aisle is capable of it, which may have little to do with reality or anything at all to do with what I am saying.

Since you people invented the word "spin" and are the only ones that use it....well thats too much to hope to make you understand at this sitting....

The black part is letters, go through the post with a dictionary word for word if you need to, I will try to explain the logic of this in great detail, but I doubt I can make you understand what I am saying, because you are so biased and scared we might agree on something, or so "patriotic" you need professional psychological counseling to take it down a few notches.

Every nation's military is held to a much lower standard criminally than that country's civilians. Unfortunately we have more bases and more personnel on foreign soil than anyone else and the sins we commit, factored into the great prosperity of this nation, and many other factors I cannot hope to communicate with you about in a short post, lead many people in the world to hate Americans.

Most of the hate directed at us, worldwide, is BS, "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" bullshit.

But when ANYONE from ANY other nation, comes in, wantonly violates the laws of another sovereign nation, and then escapes to "home base" (ie embassy, military base....) to avoid due process of law in that country, it makes people of said country mad, and rightly so. A few of them are directly effected because they know the victim personally. Many more are second hand effected because they know someone who knows the victim, and on and on down the line. This adds up to a lot of righteous indignation. can help you with the big words, for the purpose of this discussion, I'll have to hope you can keep up....

Add to that the fact that mass communication has made everything that happens anywhere on the globe of significant interest instantly reportable to the whole world, and the media's penchant for broadcasting 90% bad news and perhaps 2% good, just so everyone keeps paying the bill for the service and doesn't just eat a revolver....

Add to that that when all that MANY pissed people see a more powerful government circumvent their justice system, well, do you get it?

I knew you didn't but, for some reason I have this desire to be understood by others incapable of doing so....

I just believe, bottom line, in....wait for it....



To me, that means, when you commit a crime in a foreign nation, by my understanding of personal responsibility, you deserve, conviction and punishment according the their system of judgment....

I also believe in....this ones big and few understand it....


Logically, to me, if you don't want your hand chopped off you won't steal a penny you see drop from a man's pocket in an Arab country unless it's worth....


I understand the term "kangaroo court", but if everything in the story I linked to about the facts of the crime is true, than there was more than enough evidence to convict the man in any court in the US. And when it's a two nation situation like this, I think that the burden of proof for conviction must meet both nation's criteria, or some agreement should be made....

But what I know is if Sergeant Smith (male), rapes Corporal Johnson, (either sex, though usually female), at Fort Anywhere, USA, the military's track record of "justice" is laughable. So how much punishment will this guy receive if he serves sentence in our country?

Thats an issue I have no concept of. On the one hand, the military usually just likes to sweep sexual misconduct of any kind under the rug. On the other hand, it may be stiff penalty just to keep relations with the other nation a crime was committed in happy.

The bottom line is though, when in Rome do as the Roman's do....? Do you get that yet?

Let me break it down further.... If Saddam was in power, and Iraq was the superpower, and we were the weak nation, and the Iraqi soldiers from the base in North Carolina go on liberty, and they go past a church, and declare a personal Jihad, and firebomb it, and make it back to base, and Iraq decides they will handle the punishment, after they are convincingly convicted in our court....

Do you get it yet?

Matters not what the punishment is, the strong nation just said, oh well, we are strong, you are weak, we are right, you are wrong....

I know you still don't get it.

Funny that "personal responsibility" is a campaign platform of people who haven't even started to consider logic, empathy, or sovereignty, well, how can you even think about....Oh fuck nevermind, cuz I know, you still just....

....DON'T GET IT!!!!

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Basically, "spin" is something that anyone is capable of, but it's a term, coined by conservatives, and being as they are masters at it, well, they are as guilty as anyone....

"You" are spinning every post of mine in your own mind before you even read or think about it, because "you" want to understand things I never said, and as near as I can tell, conservatives are people, born without the capacity for empathy.

I am guilty of spinning things I read at times, as I read it, we all are, but many times I have been quick to admit I agree with you guys, on many issues. "You" (and by that I pretty much mean, Gonz, RM, and jimpeel, and of course dear departed "nameless one") seem to be allergic to admitting we ever agree on any issue, and its amusing to me.

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :rofl4:

Maybe that's a big part of what keeps me around here....

All I know is I honestly try not to "read-spin", but it seems to be a virtue "you" hold dear.
Thanks for helping make every point I made over for me.

If "you" ever hear the term "ugly American" there will be no need to look it up, just find a mirror, though "you" still won't get it....
Read carefully and stick to the black part, the white part is what you are imagining I am saying based on your own perception, and the slant you want to read into what I actually meant. I believe you people call it "spin" and you people believe only one side of the political aisle is capable of it, which may have little to do with reality or anything at all to do with what I am saying.

Since you people invented the word "spin" and are the only ones that use it....well thats too much to hope to make you understand at this sitting....

The black part is letters, go through the post with a dictionary word for word if you need to, I will try to explain the logic of this in great detail, but I doubt I can make you understand what I am saying, because you are so biased and scared we might agree on something, or so "patriotic" you need professional psychological counseling to take it down a few notches.

Every nation's military is held to a much lower standard criminally than that country's civilians. Unfortunately we have more bases and more personnel on foreign soil than anyone else and the sins we commit, factored into the great prosperity of this nation, and many other factors I cannot hope to communicate with you about in a short post, lead many people in the world to hate Americans.

Most of the hate directed at us, worldwide, is BS, "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" bullshit.

But when ANYONE from ANY other nation, comes in, wantonly violates the laws of another sovereign nation, and then escapes to "home base" (ie embassy, military base....) to avoid due process of law in that country, it makes people of said country mad, and rightly so. A few of them are directly effected because they know the victim personally. Many more are second hand effected because they know someone who knows the victim, and on and on down the line. This adds up to a lot of righteous indignation. can help you with the big words, for the purpose of this discussion, I'll have to hope you can keep up....

Add to that the fact that mass communication has made everything that happens anywhere on the globe of significant interest instantly reportable to the whole world, and the media's penchant for broadcasting 90% bad news and perhaps 2% good, just so everyone keeps paying the bill for the service and doesn't just eat a revolver....

Add to that that when all that MANY pissed people see a more powerful government circumvent their justice system, well, do you get it?

I knew you didn't but, for some reason I have this desire to be understood by others incapable of doing so....

I just believe, bottom line, in....wait for it....



To me, that means, when you commit a crime in a foreign nation, by my understanding of personal responsibility, you deserve, conviction and punishment according the their system of judgment....

I also believe in....this ones big and few understand it....


Logically, to me, if you don't want your hand chopped off you won't steal a penny you see drop from a man's pocket in an Arab country unless it's worth....


I understand the term "kangaroo court", but if everything in the story I linked to about the facts of the crime is true, than there was more than enough evidence to convict the man in any court in the US. And when it's a two nation situation like this, I think that the burden of proof for conviction must meet both nation's criteria, or some agreement should be made....

But what I know is if Sergeant Smith (male), rapes Corporal Johnson, (either sex, though usually female), at Fort Anywhere, USA, the military's track record of "justice" is laughable. So how much punishment will this guy receive if he serves sentence in our country?

Thats an issue I have no concept of. On the one hand, the military usually just likes to sweep sexual misconduct of any kind under the rug. On the other hand, it may be stiff penalty just to keep relations with the other nation a crime was committed in happy.

The bottom line is though, when in Rome do as the Roman's do....? Do you get that yet?

Let me break it down further.... If Saddam was in power, and Iraq was the superpower, and we were the weak nation, and the Iraqi soldiers from the base in North Carolina go on liberty, and they go past a church, and declare a personal Jihad, and firebomb it, and make it back to base, and Iraq decides they will handle the punishment, after they are convincingly convicted in our court....

Do you get it yet?

Matters not what the punishment is, the strong nation just said, oh well, we are strong, you are weak, we are right, you are wrong....

I know you still don't get it.

Funny that "personal responsibility" is a campaign platform of people who haven't even started to consider logic, empathy, or sovereignty, well, how can you even think about....Oh fuck nevermind, cuz I know, you still just....

....DON'T GET IT!!!!

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

2-points for completely avoiding hipocracy.

What no footnotes?

How about this quote...

I just believe, bottom line, in....wait for it....


Does this *new POV apply to other issues as well?

  • Murtha
  • Health Care
  • Illegal Aliens running to and fro
  • Welfare
  • Pregnancy
  • Grand Jury Testamony
  • Civillian Rape, by politicians, in office
  • etc ad nauseum

I'm sure you can find the personal responsibility in these issues as well. (just do a search of recent post by JimP) ...I am glad to see the phrase is growing on you thoo... (GJ Gonz ;))