Sex offender arrested for "Bikini Murder"


Southern Discomfort
This might be RW fodder...if so, pack it up and ship it.


Just down the road a piece from here. Dandridge is a small hamlet at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains. Sevier County is where Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge are. No small number of potential victims there.

It's almost 8:30 now...have we fried him yet?
...Davenport said Inman was fired last week from a construction company in neighboring Sevier County, Tenn., but it was not clear how long he had worked there...
SouthernN'Proud said:
This might be RW fodder...if so, pack it up and ship it.


Just down the road a piece from here. Dandridge is a small hamlet at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains. Sevier County is where Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge are. No small number of potential victims there.

It's almost 8:30 now...have we fried him yet?

Nope. He's on his way back to Clemson. I can't believe he was driving the truck they said they were looking for...maybe he wanted to get caught(?). Anyway...frying him is to quick. He should be impaled...the old-style way. Won't happen, but it should. That guy has done similar acts on 3 occasions. You should see the fingers wagging here over who to blame. I even heard the deceased's father asking if the construction company that hired him did a background check on the news this morning.
I've read his sex offenders rap sheet. The listing of his tattoos are suggestive of a very, very, angry individual indeed... the kind of tattoos that say 'I'm going to keep on doing this until I am shot dead. The world sucks, and its my job to see that it burns.'
Gato_Solo said:
That guy has done similar acts on 3 occasions. You should see the fingers wagging here over who to blame. I even heard the deceased's father asking if the construction company that hired him did a background check on the news this morning.

Therein lies one of the great pitfalls of my job. Almost every decision I make from 8-4:30 demands that I consider things most of y'all don't think of. I ain't perfect; I try to be reasonably level headed. The balance between what is allowable, what is forbidden, and what is expected can get very gray indeed.

This guy wasn't on community release that I know of; hence, he could conceivably come and go as he pleased. He was on a registry, but that is all. Registries can't ask questions.

Background checks for employment are as good as the system employed. Some are thorough, some are laughable. To expect a construction firm to do a nationwide background check is idyllic but unrealistic. In the day to day world, it just ain't gonna happen. I wager that unless you did it yourself, someone who helped construct the place you live in was on some sort of release or used to be.
But...but...but, he's a sex offender. Why wasn't he registered in South Carolina? You know that registration, and counseling, stops these things from happening.

Well then, there's a breakdown in the system. Pass some more stupid laws.
Or rather, some better stupid laws. He broke SC's by being in TN without registering here.

Registration is periodic. It takes ten minutes. The rest of that time, he's loose as a goose.
I've only vaguely followed this story...I was under the impression that he was from TN, visiting SC & killed the girl there (what does a bikini have to do with this?-Yes, I know that's his choice of murder weapon but is it really relevant?)....

edit-my impressions were right, I just didn't know he got back to TN :shrug:
Anyway...the reason I brought up the 'background check' angle is because, once this pig is convicted, the parents may want to do a little lawsuit. I know that that is a rather cynical idea, but the perpetrator is hardly ever responsible for his/her own actions anymore...and I still say a good, old-fashioned, the right way to go on this...
SouthernN'Proud said:
Background checks for employment are as good as the system employed. Some are thorough, some are laughable. To expect a construction firm to do a nationwide background check is idyllic but unrealistic. In the day to day world, it just ain't gonna happen. I wager that unless you did it yourself, someone who helped construct the place you live in was on some sort of release or used to be.

Why would a construction firm need to do background checks anyway? It's not like a construction site is going to be teeming with kids.
And anxious young couples never bring the kidlets with them to see the progress on the house.

And while building this house, there are never kidlets next door. Or opportunities to rape the local coed while it's raining and you're stuck watching the tools while the others go for "supplies".

And you never do any work on an inhabited home.
and guys like this one are returned to polite society everyday

to prey on our wimen folk

and thar's nuthin' anyone can do aboot it
SouthernN'Proud said:
And anxious young couples never bring the kidlets with them to see the progress on the house.

And while building this house, there are never kidlets next door. Or opportunities to rape the local coed while it's raining and you're stuck watching the tools while the others go for "supplies".

And you never do any work on an inhabited home.

All those situations fall into one of two categories:

1. The parents are going to be there... at least, I wouldn't leave my kids home alone if someone I don't know is going to be there, regardless of whether he passed a background check or not. That's a good bit different than at a school, where kids are left all day with the expectation that they will be taken care of.

2. Just the same as an unemployed predator cruising the neighborhood, with the difference being that he has nothing else to do all day.

It's actually the same deal as that dumb shit who left her six-year-old kid alone at a restaurant and didn't notice until the next day because everyone thought someone else had the kid.
One huge difference though.

If you own the construction company, AND employ one of these defects of nature, AND he pulls some shit on company time, you get to defend a lawsuit.'s the cornerstone of the New World Order.
Is there a law requiring background checks? If there is a law mandating those, and the company doesn't do so, then that's the basis for a lawsuit. Similarly, if there is no such law, but the owner employs one of these people knowing about the worker's past convictions, there would be the basis for a lawsuit. But if there is no law, and the owner doesn't know about the worker's past, then negligence should be able to be claimed on the company owner, who was acting within the law and taking his employee's statements at face value.