Sexual abstinence for peace!!!


Well-Known Member
Would it be the wisest of policies to obtain peace or is it just an idealistic ploy that has little to no practicality in real world applications of war and its origins and end?

This idea and question takes birth from, ofcourse, from the greek comedy Lysistrata by Aristophanes.

The idea that a brash albeit prudent women undertakes the ingenius act to call forth for an abstinence from her fellow kind to force the ever lustful men into a truce to end civil war in Greece, war between Athens and Sparta.

Taken into account the fact that this is a comedy and that much of what would be violent is supressed for the sake of illuminating the absurdity of mankind and the all too blatant misogyny men employed during the ancient times do you think that such an idea would be successful to reach truce? Playing on the intrinsic urges of men to tug the strings in to their favor to achieve their desired intents?

Or for anything else pertienent? or anything or everything at all for that matter?

Could it work the other way around?

Could such an act, requiering congregation of a gender that has ,very much, different views of what is significant or not, be possible in modern society?
Professur said:
Fuck that. I go for a week without and I'm just looking for someone to beat the tar outta.

Exactly, could the women use that in their favor to gain foothold in society and get what they feel they deserve?
freako104 said:
it isnt good to be abstinate unless your a monk. humans are beings who like sex.

I am not asking whether celibacy is a good choice or not. I am asking if sexual games (like the stopping the supply of it) can work in favor of a this case: for women.
Hell no. I make sure the woman has as much sexual pleasure as I do. At least as much, if not more.
Professur said:
Hell no. I make sure the woman has as much sexual pleasure as I do. At least as much, if not more.

So explain this statement.

IDLEchild said:
Exactly, could the women use that in their favor to gain foothold in society and get what they feel they deserve?

Professur said:
Only if they feel they deserve a good fucking.

Or am I reading you wrong?
well yes, we can and do all the time :shrug:

but I am with prof...I go a week and wanna beat the tar out of someone so.......
women who hold out sex for whatever reason are only hurting themselves :shrug: you wanna get back at him? forget to wash his underwear.
free love didn't bring peace and neither will no love.
IDLEchild said:
Or am I reading you wrong?

You must be reading me wrong. I don't see the corolation between the two. But I'll clarify my position. Maybe it'll make more sense.

All a woman's gonna get outta me for holding off on sex, is a damn good, hard fucking when she finally relents. Enforced celibacy isn't gonna change my mind in any significant way. Nor does a lack of sexual tension. I make my decisions logically, using emotions to back them up. Not the other way round.

"cept for one thing. Gut feelings. That spine creeping feeling that I trust blindly. That makes me wait 15 minutes before leaving work. That makes me pull up 2 year old threads. That, basically, I regret every time I ignore.
IDLEchild said:
I am not asking whether celibacy is a good choice or not. I am asking if sexual games (like the stopping the supply of it) can work in favor of a this case: for women.

Never been married, have you? :D

Seriously though: Women play this card all the time. I don't agree with it. IMO, sex should be for pleasure and procreation. However I can understand how some women who feel that they may be in an unequal relationship may seek out any advantage/leverage they may have to get what they need. Hell, I've felt similar feelings myself, a time or two, though mine were more along the lines of "why the hell should he get sex from me when he doesn't lift a finger to help with with the kids/house/finances?" But that was a bit different...

Problem is, it doesn't work. Using sex as leverage will a) make you both miserable b) potentially destroy mutual trust and connection c) motivate your spouse to look elsewhere for his jollies.
Problem is, it doesn't work. Using sex as leverage will a) make you both miserable b) potentially destroy mutual trust and connection c) motivate your spouse to look elsewhere for his jollies.

True enough.

But my question poses the possibility that all women in the given society get on the wagon of abstinence.....

you think they will achieve what they set out for?
You'll never get your answer. So few are willing to look at the potential. Unification can not happen in a non-perfect world & we're (me especially) reminded that this is far from perfect.
IDLEchild said:
True enough.

But my question poses the possibility that all women in the given society get on the wagon of abstinence.....

you think they will achieve what they set out for?

You would have to have every single post pubescent woman, married or single on the face of this planet in on this to even have the remotest chance of it succeeding. Including the prostitutes. Frankly, even best (?) case scenario, I get visions of a huge and thriving black market sex industry springing up...

I agree with Gonz. The variables are so numerous and the obstacles so great that I couldn't even fathom this situation in anything but the pages of a fictional story...

Remember, you said "in modern society" We none of us live on tiny isolated islands anymore where the only people you will ever meet are your neighbours. Any scenarios such as this you could envision would *have* to be global in scope.
Squiggy said:
*wonders why IC is anxious for people to give up sex....:eek6:

The plan Lysistrata comes up with has amazing consequences. Just a question to get peoples thoughts on if such a plan took shape in modern society but most agree that they can not even imagine such a circumstance.
IDLEchild said:
True enough.

But my question poses the possibility that all women in the given society get on the wagon of abstinence.....

you think they will achieve what they set out for?

Ban on sex go get what they [women] want?

All us men wandering around with testosterone levels skyrocketing and they expect us to make rational/reasonable decisions? Fat chance. :D