Sexual abstinence for peace!!!

To treat the act of love as a bargaining chip outside of the real of typical domestic discord reduces its value to simple bartered currency. It makes it sound like their sexual favors are for sale... and there is already a word for that. ...but, on the other hand, so long as its for the standard emotional reasons of : 'You're pissing me off and I don't want you within 10 feet of me for a few days.' Thats just life.
tonks said:
women who hold out sex for whatever reason are only hurting themselves :shrug: you wanna get back at him? forget to wash his underwear.

Umm, tonksy? I think there are a lot of guys out there that don't really care if their underwear is clean.
chcr said:
Umm, tonksy? I think there are a lot of guys out there that don't really care if their underwear is clean.
sweet! ;)
er....i'd be nice to have someone monitor their own underwear for a change...clean underwear is a good thing...
Lysistrate, huh? We played it out as an assignment in class recently.

I think the idea is pretty reasonable, provided the organsation and motviation among women is sufficent.
I think if all women abstained from sex in an attempt to gain political power it would be a major step backwards NOT forwards. First off because I like to believe we have something between our ears to fight with - what's between our legs should not be an issue. After all, what kind of power would you really have if you are only being given something in exchange for sex - IMO that just reduces us to prostitutes.

Second, using sex as leverage weakens the gender as a whole because for years women have been fighting to be viewed as equals and the sexual revolution has ensured that (most) men understand that sexual gratification for a lot of women does not mean 'happily ever after'. For an entire genration or the entire gender to now vow that abstinence would be a great manner in which to gain political power, would be to give every bit of power we do have back to the men & saying "Here, we are too stupid to make iny sense in the boardrooms & hallowed halls of governments, we are going to fall back on that age old remedy of give me what I want or the only woman you'll have is Mrs Palmer & her 5 daughters".

Also, the idea appeals to women to become almost robottic - like a bunch of Stepford wives really. It would be a wholly unnatural state.

Erm - just a question though, would you believe it could work if men were the ones asked to take up abstinence?

And a lst thought - I suspect such an act would most likely lead to an increase in homosexual numbers (on both sides) and pretty soon women would become bored with it or realise that it is dangerous to play such games.
AT, ever watched Vandread? It's pretty much the situation you describe, only far more extreme. Great series.
AlphaTroll said:
Erm - just a question though, would you believe it could work if men were the ones asked to take up abstinence?

From personal should never use denial of sex as a revenge/manipulation tactic. I tried it once and I got three bleedin' hours of "you think I've got fat/ugly/unattractive/don't fancy me anymore/your seeing someone else ain't ya?/what have I done wrong?" speech.......tis far easier just to get on with it and find some other way to get yer own back/get what yer want. :eh:
You got lucky. At least she talked to you. I got a week of cold, rotten meals before i found out where I'd screwed up.
AlphaTroll said:
And a lst thought - I suspect such an act would most likely lead to an increase in homosexual numbers (on both sides) and pretty soon women would become bored with it or realise that it is dangerous to play such games.

You'd get more than that in the way of danger, I'm afraid. When I read this question, beyond the assumption that women can turn off their own libido's like they wouuld a tap, and indefinatly for that matter (fat chance)...the issue that came to mind was Rape.

Take one man and remove his sexual partner (breakups, death, distance) and he will try to find another. Remove all options (no other women on the face of the earth who will have sex with him willingly - or for money), and you leave only two options. Either he becomes celibate as a conscious decision and lives with the consequences OR he finds an unwilling target.

Morals will tend to skew those odds in the path of conscious celibacy (and an increase in sales of porn mags and movies), but the small remainder, multiplied by the 3billion men on the face of the earth today will lead to a massive increase in the amount of rape and conjugal violence.

The idea is cute on the surface, but unworkeable beyond that. You would stop a war, but begin a new one...and if you think that losing credibility or equality is the worst of your worries...imagine if men decide that women don't deserve the near-equity which they currently enjoy and revert of a more Muslim approach to male/female relations. No schooling, no voting rights, no outings with friends, no friends, no access to the internet, no mail that hasn't been pre-viewed etc etc...

If one gender is willing to coroberate on an issue like celibacy for any cause (good or ill), then what is the other gender willing to agree upon?
You know I had thoughts on this too but you all stole them :winkkiss:

But one thing I didn't hear mentioned was the probable increase in divorce to such a high that the court system would initiate online divorces where all you had to do is fill in your info and click submit! :p