shadenfreud, perhaps


molṑn labé
Staff member
During a service last Sunday morning, Rev. Kyle Lake was standing in waist-high water as he prepared to baptize a woman. When he reached for a corded microphone, the 33-year-old was jolted by electricity, and did not survive. The woman going to be baptized was unharmed.

The incident took place just minutes after the 800 members in attendance had prayed aloud, "Surprise me, God."

chcr said:

They still have snake handlin' churches around here. The locations are kept highly secret, takes an invite to one to find out where they are. I've met a few folks who do this. They ain't right in the head if you ask me.

For a very good treatise into these churches, as well as one of the most in depth looks into one ever recorded, check out Foxfire 7, of the Foxfire Book series. Amazing stuff.