Shadowfax! Hoe is it?!


Je lijkt wel een van de vele buitenlanders in Rotterdam :D
Serieus, als je eens wist hoeveel er echt zo praten en schrijven...

Goed, echt leuk is dit niet voor de andere members op OTC :D

Terug naar Engels, of laten we ze nog even verder raden naar wat er allemaal staat hier? :D

All the "i" and "j" and "z"s confuse me. Let me try that in Dutch:

Al die "i" en "j" en "z"s dooreenhalen mej.
Lemme retry that, in Afrikaans this time. No screwing with the Dutch spellings...

Al die "i"s, "j"s, en "z"s maak my deurmekaar. Hoe kan julle dit onthou wanneer om wat te gebruik? Dit maak nie sin!

Moet ons vir Nixy vertel wat ons oor praat?! :rofl2:
:bitchslap: LL for saying stuff I don't understand

:bitchslap: LL again for including my name in the stuff I can't understand

:bitchslap:Shadow for saying stuff I can't understand
Translation from the first reply I wrote:

You sound like one of the many foreigners in Rotterdam. :D
Seriously, if you'd only knew how many actually talk and write like that..

Well, this isn't much fun for the other members of OTC :D

Back to English, or shall we let them guess a little bit longer to what is written here? :D

Well, there you have it. Just to prevent any more bitchslapping :D