Shadowfax On His Way Home™


Active Member
Just wanted to let all of you guys know that Shadowfax is on his way home and should be posting like mad again in no time. :) His internship went well and the guy is an excellent person to have met!

Just to spoil it for him, here are some of the pictures he took during his engineering intership on our boat:




Omg, those are awesome, I'd love to see a clown fish IRL, they look so awesome.
Wow, those pictures are stunning! And I bet they're only teasers for what's to come!!

It's great to hear the internship has went so well. Has it really been that long? I still feel like a n00b around here sometimes, but I remember when he left for the internship. *lol*


Many safe wishes for a safe trip home!
Incredible photos!! :cool:

One of you guys posted a link to your U/W photo album a while back . . . I'll see if I can find it in search.

I started a thread about U/W digital photography. Your comments and tips would be welcome.

Have a safe trip, Shadowfax! :cool:
hey there....didn't see this thread! :) thanks luis for the heads up!

anyways, i made it home safely, and fairly rested due to some drastic measurements (thanks toolbox :D)
if you want to see more pictures, feel free to browse through which contains most of my pictures.

the pages create thumbnails to fasten up browsing, but if the page is first opened, it still needs to create them, so loading might take a bit longer...:)