Sharia Law rears its ugly head ...

what an asshole.

i'll trade you one third-world rat-eater for one whining american fuckwit.

i bet the rat-eater would do a better job on the lawn, not take as many bathroom breaks, and appreciate the job far more than mister complainypants. what an embarrassment.
BTW how do you know the difference between the pakis and the indians? to me they're almost the same save the tribal/village fuckers from western pakistan, and i can't say that i dislike the latter simply based on one instance where i wanted to defenestrate a particular pajama-wearing individual.

Pakistanis are noted for being taller than Indians.

that just means you lead them a little more

why come they're taller?

I have no idea. Several years ago I was talking to a Pakistani who worked at the local stop-n-rob and he told me that. He was about 6'2".

Since that time I have noted that those I know to be of East Indian descent are notably shorter than those people I know to be of Pakistani descent.
hmmm. i've seen tall and dorky and short and squat from both camps.

the western pakistanis that speak a persian dialect... those fuckers seem to be kinda tall. but i never got to know 'em, because they seemed like fundamentalist dicks. as far as the rest of indians and pakistanis, despite being a bit too much of ass-kissers, they are quite alright.