

Staff member
What's one thing you don't share? It's yours and that's that!

Someone once said to me "When we move in together it'll be OUR computer." I said "No, it's MY computer. I bought it and it will always be MINE." I am posessive of my laptop, I am not so picky about who I let use it anymore (aslong as I'd consider them a "friend" and not an "acquaintance" and I'm around) but there is only one person I'd leave with it unsupervised and he's earned the trust over a VERY long period of time.
I don't share drinks, forks or spoons. If someone drinks after me, I let them have it. If they use my fork or spoon I get another one.

It freaks me out.
I'm with Fleur. I'm not big on sharing forks and drinks beyond a simple sampler nibble or sip.

I'm also a little iffy on sharing my hairbrush. Not that I think its going to spread some disease to me... but rather that its not going to be where I left it.
Toothbrush, underwear, hairbrush, eyeliners & mascara (I have very sensitive eyes) and I think that's about it.
My car. I don't know anyone who takes driving as seriously as I do. Thus, they cannot be trusted with my car. Rusty is exempt, of course.

Toothbrush is a good one, I wouldn't share that either.

Unless it's family, I wouldn't share food or chapstick either. Although I did share my green lipstick with a stranger at the St. Paddy's day parade years ago. I made sure to scrape off the top layer after he handed it back though.

Other than that, it's fair game.
You're not gonna tell me that I'm the only one who instantly thought of three-ways when you read this thread's title.
Professur said:
You're not gonna tell me that I'm the only one who instantly thought of three-ways when you read this thread's title.

Do you REALLY think I'd be into that?
Professur said:
Actually, yes .... if you met the right couple.

Actually no, never. Relationships are held in very high regard by me. Which is one reason I'm not getting into another one til I know where I'm gonna put down my roots.
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me

Roll another one
Just like the other one
You've been hanging on to it
And I sure would like a hit

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me

Rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooll another one
Just like the other one
That one's about down to the end
So come on and be a real friend

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me

Everybody, sing along now

Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over to me
Don't bogart that joint, my friend
Pass it over... to... me
if someone uses my computer i will be supervising them. and i don't share my man.
other than that i'm not picky. i've borrowed toothbrushes before, so i'm not weird about sharing them. i wouldnt have a problem with someone else wearing my underthings, as long as i was able to wash them before wearing them again. and i let other people borrow/drive my car sometimes. there's not a lot i don't share. ooh, vibrators/sextoys, i wouldnt share those. i'd be hesitant to share shoes, but i've done that too.
I HATE sharing my food (especially dessert). If you think it looks good, get next time you come, don't eat mine dammit. This has actually become an issue with me and my g/f and her family, as they all love sharing and freely take food off other peoples plates. I damn near stabbed her moms hand when she made an effort...

I typically don't share well. If it's mine, deal with it and go get your own...