
Wow. I've never really had a thing about toothbrushes. I use the BF's all the time - I just grab the nearest toothbrush. And when I used to stay over at friends' places, I used to use their toothbrushes as well (they let me), since it was easier than lugging over toiletries all the time. But then again, my friends and I (in highschool) used to share everything. :lloyd:
chcr said:
When your getting it regularly, porn sort of pales in comparison.

I used to date a woman who liked to role play scenes from those. Looking back, I'm not certain it was worth it.

What, you don't think Ron Jeremy is good looking?
Right! And reports of my appetite not being exagerated, he really doesn't have much time for porn, hope he doesn't mind.
Not really big into role playing myself, seems a little silly. I know I am not the alluring, yet virginous daughter of a baron being ravaged by the dread pirate Alonzo, you know? How do you kid yourself like that?
Ron Jeremy is.....ahem, not handsome.
tonksy said:
Right! And reports of my appetite not being exagerated, he really does have much time for porn, hope he doesn't mind.
Not really big into role playing myself, seems a little silly. I know I am not the alluring, yet virginous daughter of a baron being ravaged by the dread pirate Alonzo, you know? How do you kid yourself like that?
Ron Jeremy is.....ahem, not handsome.

I read that as nt being ravaged by a dead pirate...bif fat WTF moment involving dead / undead pirates ravaging pious babes :rolleyes: