Sharon, Abu Mazen to Meet Thursday in Jerusalem


Well-Known Member
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Palestinian counterpart Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) are to meet at 9 P.M. Thursday in Jerusalem, for their second round of talks in as many weeks. The exact location of the meeting will be determined at the last minute, due to "security considerations." Also representing the Palestinians will be Mohammed Dahlan, who is in charge of security affairs, and Foreign Minister Nabil Sha'ath.
Sharon will tell Abu Mazen that Israel has accepted the Palestinian demands, and the road map, and now it is the Palestinians' turn to take steps against terror. Sharon will propose that Abu Mazen take gradual security control over areas that the IDF withdraws from.

In these areas, Israel will demand that the PA give "100 percent effort" at combating terrorism: arrests; investigations and trials for terrorists and those who send them; disarming terrorist organizations; gathering illegal weapons; making efforts to prevent terror attacks and a complete halt to the incitement in the Palestinian education system and media.

Sharon will also notify his counterpart that Israel is ready resume the "gestures" (confidence building measures) that were frozen some three weeks ago after a wave of terror attacks claimed the lives of 12 Israelis.

At the end of the meeting, the Palestinians expect a joint public declaration of principles in the spirit of the road map, and, for the first time since the beginning of the intifada, an announcement of a general cease-fire. This is in addition to the declaration of principles that Israel voted on approving the existence of a Palestinian state in the future alongside Palestinian recognition of the State of Israel
I suspect the sheer weight on this vehicle alone might be enough to keep it on track... atleast for awhile.