She passed!! :D


Well-Known Member
Just got a call from MrsBish and she just got her marks for her third and last exam. In the toughest of the tests, she pulled off a 76% !

After nearly 5 months of study, take the test, wait for the marks, pass, study (rinse, repeat)... it's damn good to see her relax and not feel stressed about 'not studying'. :D
HomeLAN said:
What degree/license is this for?

Financial planner's license... she's an assistant, but they 'required' it of her in order to continue her employment.
HomeLAN said:
That one's a toughie, at least here in the states (CFP). Big congrats.
Some of the people she works with failed on average 3-4 times per test...and there are 3 tests. Each test costs about $250 you can stay home and be the homemaker...Just be sure to complain about everything she does. :D
MrBishop said:
Financial planner's license... she's an assistant, but they 'required' it of her in order to continue her employment.

Way Cool! :headbng2:

Sounds like it's "raise" time. :nerd: