She turned me into a newt


molṑn labé
Staff member
I got better.

(CBS) HAMPTON BAYS, N.Y. A Long Island elementary school teacher is suing the Hampton Bays school district after she was fired because her administrators allegedly believed she was a witch teaching witchcraft to her students. Her lawyer is calling the case a "21st century re-enactment of the Salem Witchcraft Trials."

Lauren Berrios told CBS 2 that she was terminated after she was told that she "entice[d] children into witchcraft and magic through literature."

She believes books that didn't mesh with principal's religious values, even including African-American literature, were taken out of her curriculum.

Why that has to be mentioned separately escapes me. Equal means equal, right? If so, why not mention all other specialized genres of literature that also have zero bearing on the story.

I'm just saying...
Because the principal is a paranoid right wing nut job & that includes racial bigotry. Jees, where ya been?
But...but...New York isn't Mississippi...all the racists live down here...we all know that. How can it be that someone from the enlightened metropolitan superior perfect region could harbor such dreadful notions clearly reserved for the unwashed heathen masses?

I'm so confused. Somebody fetch me some cold branch water and let me lie down in a dark room until this passes.
now now, we all know that racists are as abundant in the northeast as they are anywhere else. let's not be a drama queen...
I thought that death-metal and rap was the new D&D, then television was the new death-metal and rap, then the internet was the new TV, and video-games was the new internet, and now Harry Potter is the new think.
Let's make it simple...

If it's not The Bible or Billy Graham, it's bad. m'kay?
I thought that death-metal and rap was the new D&D, then television was the new death-metal and rap, then the internet was the new TV, and video-games was the new internet, and now Harry Potter is the new think.

Ok, correction.

All evil flows from Harry Potter and Eminem, through an exclusive marketing arrangement with Oprah Winfrey and David Geffen. Sole distribution rights are maintained by Rupert Murdock. Pending Congressional approval, of course.