Shhh, there's good news on Iraq

You base a thread on an article from a biased opinion piece and then are actually going to complain about bias in a source used in response? Really?

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.

You have yet to use them as a source in this thread. Do you intend to?

The "biased" opinion piece was about the Harvard Report which is a LIBERAL institution unless you want to throw yourself completely over the cliff of denial.

Liberals wrote the Harvard Report and came to the conclusion that Liberal bias was rampant. The entire report, of course, is total bullshit, by your standards, because an opinion piece on its findings had the temerity to mention its very existence.
You have yet to use them as a source in this thread. Do you intend to?

Follow along Jim. In the thread you linked I posted the Media Matters article in response to your biased opinion piece. You complained about the source while you started the thread with a biased source. Get it now?

The "biased" opinion piece was about the Harvard Report

Yes, a biased complete misinterpretation of the actual findings of the report.

Liberals wrote the Harvard Report and came to the conclusion that Liberal bias was rampant.

See if you read the actual report instead of some batshit crazy interpretation of it you would find that wasn't the conclusion of the report at all. But you're content to just throw yourself over a cliff with mmade up facts.