*shivers at the thought*


molṑn labé
Staff member
POSTED: 3:25 PM PST January 8, 2004
UPDATED: 5:49 PM PST January 8, 2004

SAN DIEGO -- A young Ocean Beach woman survived a severe allergic reaction that had University of California, San Diego Regional Burn Center staff scrambling to save her life, 10News reported.

Three weeks ago, the skin on Yeargain's body began sloughing off.

Now thats cool. I thought it would look gross... but the new skin tech grafts look like it won't even leave much scarring if any at all. She seems rather pragmatic about it all and didn't shy away from the camera with her shaved head and all.

Any bets on how many talk shows she will be on when she recovers?
yikes! she must be high as a kite! i had the skin on my foot hacked off when i was little and when it started to heal is was torture...that poor chick...her whole body....
and any skin on internal organs too, according to the bbc article i read. one lucky lass.
unclehobart said:
She seems rather pragmatic about it all and didn't shy away from the camera with her shaved head and all.

I guess she's not as thin-skinned as we would think. :D