Interesting, how this has worked out so far....
I've been watching all the channels available and everyone seems to be kind of in the dark as to what's up....I think that's a pretty good thing. It's always seemed kinda silly to me to apparently give away war plans days or weeks in advance. I'm glad to see that what people expected hasn't really come to fruition...
On another front, I've been watching Hans Blix take some heat on a few of the channels from interviewers as well as commentators. This kind of pisses me off...
Regardless of how one feels about the hostilities I don't think anyone can reasonably argue that Blix and company didn't do their jobs to the best of their ability given the cooperation they received. I don't think anyone can question Blix or his inspector group's integrity. He knows, as do most people , that his task was a difficult one which depended on components out of his direct control, and I hope that when people look back on this that this guy and his group are held in high regard....
Finally, as I also view on the tube, I see some strange happenings. In Berkeley I see a gal from Not In Our Name asking for "renewed momentum" because activism and "donations" are slacking off. I see a goofball in Chicago (MY town of 25 years) protesting, and I quote, "The coverup of the deaths of as many as 10 thousand Iraqi civilians so far in the illegal and immoral war of aggression by the imperial forces of the US"...oh, and the French destroyed a McDonalds....
thats right folks.....we're covering up 10K deaths so far.....'s not working out as planned.Not enough people are dying. Donations are slacking off.....
...I have to chuckle at the irony.