Shock and Awe or Shock and Pause?

PuterTutor said:
They could see she wasn't armed, but could tell she was talking to someone out of their line of sight. Then two hands and a gun would pop out, take a few shots, and go back in. The woman would talk again, then the hands would come out. They finally figured out she was guiding the person with the weapon on where to shoot. What the fuck do you do with that? :disgust2:

Shoot the bitch!

Street fighting isn't a nice thing to do...but as the bombing goes, there might not be any streets left to fight in!

JESUS CHRIST....I think that they just used a MOAB...just saw a HUGE explosion on MSNBC live!
MrBishop said:
Shoot the bitch!

That's pretty well what he said. There comes a point where a woman or even a child standing in the street directing people on where to shoot is a combatant. Sad but true facts of war.
Leslie said:
*praying for the moms and babes there*

Agreed. Keep this in your mind though, it may help alleviate the worry. In WWII, they'd send a complete squadron to an area to hit one building. Dumb bombs. Most would miss & tear up the surrounding area.

2003-95%+ of teh bombs are guided & hit what they intend to hit. They've been pre-selected to fit teh target & surrounding area is/was taken ionto account. FAR, FAR fewer collateral damages deaths. :shrug: