Shut down CNN


molṑn labé
Staff member
Hey, haven't we been here before?




At 11:04:45 AM ET Monday CNN was airing Vice President Dick Cheney's speech live from the American Enterprise Institute in Washington -- when a large black 'X' repeatedly flashed over the vice president's face!

The 'X' over Cheney's face appeared each time less than a second, creating an odd subliminal effect.

As this DRUDGE REPORT screen capture reveals, while one 'X' flashed over Cheney's face CNN ran a headline at the bottom of its screen: "CHENEY: I DO NOT BELIEVE IT IS WRONG TO CRITICIZE."

One top White House source expressed concern about what was aired over CNN.

"Is someone in Atlanta trying to tell us something?"

A CNN spokesman did not return repeated calls late Monday night.



For the record
This was before lunch.
Why have we not heard some outrage from the other news orgs.
Is it actually true?
If it actually isn't, Drudge won't be take as serious by some as it is right now.
I use him as a source for headlines worth investigtion. In this case, he's talking about first hand observation so I believe it.

Where is the other media?? Cat, c'mon :lol:
Ahw, Dick is ....well... a dick, but I think that's what is needed in there right now.
I do respect him.
I can't remember very many of the VPs, but I think a lot of people are going to remember him. :D (good,or bad)
damned fraud



CNN management has launched an internal investigation into how a giant black 'X' mark appeared over Vice President Dick Cheney's face -- as he delivered a speech from Washington on Monday!

"We are taking this matter very, very seriously, and I can assure you no one at this network would ever deliberately place an 'X' over the vice president's face," a top CNN source, who asked not to be named at this time, said from New York.

A well-placed CNN insider claims a control room staffer "laughed" when the image appeared shortly after 11 am.

A careful review of the tape now shows a white colored 'X' was also transposed over Cheney's face during the speech, it appeared for less than 1/15 of a second, creating a startling flash effect.

CNN spokeswoman Laurie Goldberg emails: "We concluded this was a technological malfunction not an issue of operator error. A portion of the switcher experienced a momentary glitch. We obviously regret that it happened and are working on the equipment to ensure it is not repeated."

A rival network news director asks: "When has an 'X' ever aired on CNN before? Who had the graphic sitting in the key signal? Who generated the 'X'?"

The vice president himself is said to have brushed off the incident, a White House source said early Tuesday morning.
I think we ought to raise hell about it, and write our congress people.
That's the way things are now. If we don't raise hell about it, it'll get worse.
I think there should be more restrict rules imposed on the news orgs.
Most people trust them (for the most part) to report the truth.
When something is live, it should be only that.
IMO any commentary has no place in a live broadcast of something like that.

They should at least receive a heavy fine. The police will write you a ticket
for faulty equipment or your vehicle, they should do the same in this case, if that IS the case.
catocom said:
I think there should be more restrict rules imposed on the news orgs.

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

However, we the people, with our pocketbook, can make huge trouble for advertisers ;)
Gonz said:

However, we the people, with our pocketbook, can make huge trouble for advertisers ;)
The we need to take a look at the sponsors. ;)
Cut into the funds, and they'll straighten up. :devious:
That's why there are some restrictions isn't it?

They should at least have to put up some kind of warning. I sure the FCC could
come up with something acceptable.

edit: oops I missed that last part in your post... :swing:
catocom said:
This was before lunch.
Why have we not heard some outrage from the other news orgs.
Is it actually true?
If it actually isn't, Drudge won't be take as serious by some as it is right now.
Sure he will. He tells people just what they want to hear. Usually there's enough truth so that people who want to point at his observations and scream, "SEE!!!" will be able too. :shrug: Drudge, Fox, CNN, et al are far less concerned with veracity than with sensationalism.
There was a time in recent history in this country
(OK I'm old enough to be some of yous folks pappy
or weird Uncle at least)
that a story like this would be dismissed out of hand

heh of course they did it and worse yet
ain't gonna be no heads a rollin' ...

In grade school (back in the prehistoric times)
we were taught that the holder of the Oval Office
was called The President. Of course we said the pledge
of allegiance and stood with our hand over our hearts
while the Star spangled banner was played
oh and yes their was an American flag in every class room
to accompany this lil' exercise as well...

Nope it is to late to:
"nip it
nip it in the bud"
this cancer
this pox
has spread too far and wide

the patient is clearly terminal
Winky said:
In grade school (back in the prehistoric times)
we were taught that the holder of the Oval Office
was called The President. Of course we said the pledge
of allegiance and stood with our hand over our hearts
while the Star spangled banner was played
oh and yes their was an American flag in every class room
to accompany this lil' exercise as well...

You know, it may come as a surprise to you and the whole 'defeatism politics' crowd, but elementary schools do still say the pledge. Really, they do. With the God part and all. Yep, they sure do recite that little poem written by a socialist.
What? People are actually doubting that this heppened? Yeesh.

CNN transcript:

CNN anchor/reporter Daryn Kagan: "I have come back into the control room because we want to explain something to you that happened on this newscast yesterday. During our live coverage of a speech by Vice President Dick Cheney there was a technical malfunction, you'll see it here.

It involved a switcher, something we call a switcher. It's a machine that we use to switch between visual elements.

Now, that glitch resulted in that 'X' that you saw being flashed briefly across the screen as the vice president was speaking.

The story has made it on to the internet and various blogs in there.

In response, CNN has issued this statement.

'Upon seeing this unfortunate but very brief graphic, CNN senior management immediately investigated. We concluded this was a technical malfunction not an issue of operator error.'

Joining me to explain what happened Steve our CNN director of technical operations.

We're putting you on the hot seat here.

People at home are watching Vice President Dick Cheney.

What happened?

What were we trying to create behind the scenes?

At the end of the speech the plan was to do, to have a CNN logo up on the screen and use that as the way of getting back from the speech back to you on camera and one of the many graphics we use here at CNN.


A majority of graphics we use on the air, we use as a big x to identify at what point should the tape be cued up.

This is the x you see in the control room but it is never meant to be seen on the air.

It's being used.

The controlroom will use that kbrx to cue up the CNN logo to get it ready for air and as you see there, getting it ready.

We're doing this now, live. We're showing what you're trying to do exactly.

That is what was being prepared during the speech and due to the technical glitch that happened with the switcher, it accidentally got on the air because of the switch.

And it's the sort of thing that just like your computer will glitch and will suddenly lock up and do something weird, our equipment does the same thing on occasions.

ot something we can re-create to show you what happened.
Which is a really important point.

First of all, a switcher is a machine, not a person.


When we were talking about doing the segment and said, let's do it again. You can't make it happen on purpose.

That's correct.

For all the conspiracy theories out there and we want to have someone who is trying to make a statement about the nature of vice president cheney's speech, it's a computer bug. Ours was in front of millions of people.

That is absolutely correct. As it goes. So, we're getting it fixed, i hope?

Yes, much like you have to reboot your computer from time to time, we're going to reboot our computer from time to time to make sure it doesn't happen again.


I think i've actually seen this happen before. This time i just find the circumstances comically coincidental.