Sidestepping the consitution.

Gato_Solo said:
Anyway...this whole thread looks like another "Let's bash the US" thread by paul_valaru...

Y'all go ahead. I got to play with him yesterday. About as amusing as a Slinky, but it killed some time. Have fun.
McVeigh is ... er... was a US citizen acting upon American soil. Therefore he automatically is held and tried under the articles of the Constitution.

Spree killers where? here or there? In Vietnam and a civillian: tried by Vietnam. In Vietnam and a soldier: tried by US military court. In Vietnam and of Vietnamese citizenry: tried by Vietnam... unless the act was against defacto US soil.. aka: bases, embassies and the like. In the US and from the US: standarfd US criminal court. In the US and from Vietnam civilian ranks: US courts. In the US and from Vietnam military ranks: military courts.
Like Altron I would say if they are American then give them the American trial.If not then they are not bound to our Constitution.
freako104 said:
Like Altron I would say if they are American then give them the American trial.If not then they are not bound to our Constitution.

Canadian tourists are in for it!
All that cool stuff. It was ours before the commies took over. Nothign has changed since.
Gonz said:
All that cool stuff. It was ours before the commies took over. Nothign has changed since.

sigh, time to find another holiday paradise.

I will laugh if the people vote for the same type of gov't fidel had though.
Vote for saddam or die.

Voting needs to be open & free. Ask Jiminy Carter to watch. He & the UN look the other way quite well.
Castro is an asshole, but he certainly managed to outlive like everyone else involved. Eisenhower? Kennedy? Kruschev? all dead. Castro is still kickin'.
Altron said:
Castro is an asshole, but he certainly managed to outlive like everyone else involved. Eisenhower? Kennedy? Kruschev? all dead. Castro is still kickin'.

He is about to die though or so they are preparing
Yep. Toaster is back. I just realized that now I can do a 150x150 av again (I was stuck with 125x125 for awhile, 'cuz it used to be 150x150 when I put on the toaster av like three and a half years ago, but then it changed to 125x125 for members and 150x150 for contributors, so I had to do 125x125 for the xmas toaster and the pulse eye, but now that I can do 150x150 again and I found this pretty sweet toaster pic, I decided to go that way.)
I like it. Gotta respect people who don't change avatars. Every week, I'm like "who the fuck is that guy?" then I realize "Inky got a new av again."
If you want, I can go back to the postage-stamp av of me trying to pose like "the Thinker," but with my old, long haircut.