*sigh* (if you don't want to read ranting - do not read)


Well-Known Member
It has been a rough day and I really need to just get it all off of my chest.
I've been seeing someone who is married - and it really has not been going well. Of course, that is often to be expected with that type of situation. Despite the fact that I know that, I have not been able to end the relationship because I love this man more than I have ever loved another person in my entire life. He can't decide what he wants to do - but I feel pretty certain that he will never leave his wife, despite their numerous problems. I probably deserve this for ending up in an affair in the first place.
On top of relationship issues, I really hate my job. It is extremely stressful and I have a pretty hypocritical boss. The problem is, I need my job and have been unable to find something else in my field that will pay enough for me to live off of.
But, I finally thought that I saw a ray of hope this week. My boyfriend and I are co-workers, and he has decided to resign. His job is worse than mine - not only does our boss ride him and criticize, but he is also watched by our whole facility and criticized if things do not go right. He gets a good salary for this (like $15,000 more than mine), but it just became too much for him. As much as I would miss him, I kind of saw this as my "sign", as well as finally my way to end the relationship because we would most likely not see each other any more unless real effort was made. It would be difficult, but I just planned to not really keep in touch or something like that. I guess I just hoped that that absence in my life would help me forget how much I love him.
Unfortunately, life just does not ever work out as you plan. After he announced his resignation, my boss called me in and has now given me a large portion of my bf's section to run - with no additional pay. I'm not angry with him - he is just doing what is best for him - but I just don't know if I can handle this. But I also can't tell my boss no without risk of losing my job or jeopardizing my future career.
I know all of this may not sound like much when compared to many other's situations - but this is almost more than I can take. I was already depressed-and now I just wish that I could just pass away in my sleep or get into a fatal car accident - just to get away from this horrible job and finally be over my feelings for this man. I would give anything to find a job in my field that pays enough-and get over my feelings for him enough to remain friends - but it just doesn't seem like anything has been going my way for the past couple of years.
Thank you for listening to me rant and whine. I just really needed someone to share with.
:sadhug: oh, boo, i'm so sorry hun. maybe it's just time to let go...and time to tell your boss you want more money....don't let it get you down...if you let it kill your spirit you might as well be dead...and i'm here if you need me.
boo you deserve bettr than this. dont do the ice cream thing but do havea good cry and tryto find a guy who is good and wont drag you down like this. :sadhug:
For the person who decided to give me bad karma on this, you must have not noticed that I want him to just go back to his wife because it is highly apparent that he and I are not going to work out. He loves her son more than anything - and him being in the picture with her is probably best.
Also, when I got into a relationship with him, he was not married and he and his fiance were broken up so she could see other people. By the time he decided to go through with getting married, I was too much in love to think rationally.
I probably shouldn't even try to bother explaining these details, but I just don't understand why someone would kick me with bad karma when I'm down and now trying to do the right thing. Besides, although I'm upset about him - my real problem is now with work. I'll be job hunting this weekend. :(
freako104 said:
boo you deserve bettr than this. dont do the ice cream thing but do havea good cry and tryto find a guy who is good and wont drag you down like this. :sadhug:

Boy you have got a lot to learn abotu women! The icecream thing can be the best thing for ya! It taste yummy while you eat it and then afterwards you feel the need to exercise like crazy and sweating that much helps you feel refreshed cause when ya sweat you release all sorts of toxins out of your body and you feel better. :brush:

Boo: I hope things work out for you :hug: I know what it feels like to love someone so much you think irrationally.
It can't be physically healthy but sometimes that has to take a back seat to mental health.

Sometimes you just have to LIVE and not worry about it not being "healthy"
true but there are ways of feeling better than eating so much junk food. sex,exercise,fresh air, friends etc.
So you are suggesting that finding a random sex partner is better than eattign some junk?
not really random. but i put it there because sex feels good, and you can burn lotsa callories that way :D. that and if you can find someone to hold you basically it feels good. but its better to be held for comfort than for sex.
Yeah, a fuck and chuck is really the thing to make someone feel better. It's really the thing to help get one out of a rut! :rolleyes:

You people!
Squiggy said:
Damn Nix. Thats just one of my usual jovial responses. Whats got you all tightened up? :eek6:

Stupid people are just pissing me off lately. I am rather sleep deprived and spending a lot of time studying and have decided when I think someone is being stupid I am gonna tell them.

I rate my current bitchiness at 5 brushing teeth smilies

:brush: :brush: :brush: :brush: :brush:
Nixy said:
Yeah, a fuck and chuck is really the thing to make someone feel better. It's really the thing to help get one out of a rut! :rolleyes:

You people!

not really. if you read what I wrote it says being held is what makes it feel good. read the last line. ive been chucked myself so I know what it feels like
freako104 said:
tryto find a guy who is good and wont drag you down like this. :sadhug:

Why not just suggest taking cynide with her ice cream......Since trying both options will lead to the same conclusion...her without a decent man...
because there are good guys out there just as there is good girls out there. not everyone is bad