Signs of intelligent life...what next?


Well-Known Member
Conjecture: day, a few months/years from now, a radio-telescope finds proof of other life elsewhere... they're advanced enough to send out radio signals...or have enough technology that they're sending signals without realizing it. In either case, we catch their signal. We can't decifer it yet, but it's not caused by 'nature' (Rotating double-stars, supernovas etc...). We can find them...kinda.

So, what next?
What would you do if you were in charge of NASA ?

Send a signal to them?
Decipher first, then send?
Tap in on their signal and watch them for a few years/decades?
Send a probe or 20 in their direction?


like that too :)

First order of business would be to decipher, but while that is going on sending a probe would be second.
Well, first thing I would to would be to sell the rights to they can have the new alien on their next burger packaging :)

Seriously tho' (or as near as I get).....decipher, then watch/build better equipement to observe with.
I have a problem with the thought that we will be able to decipher 'alien' signals at all. I think it's rather presumptuous of humans to think they will be able to.

But then again ... more power to 'em.

I say we work on the deciphering, but send no probes. I mean, if we don't know the signal, we don't know the nature. Who's to say they aren't Klingon's looking for a new battle or something? :shrug:
Well, if they are them dirty rat bastard Klingons, I think we should hit them straight on. Or at least try to make friends, I doubt we would be able to hide from them forever if they are hostile.
Rose said:
I have a problem with the thought that we will be able to decipher 'alien' signals at all. I think it's rather presumptuous of humans to think they will be able to.

But then again ... more power to 'em.

I say we work on the deciphering, but send no probes. I mean, if we don't know the signal, we don't know the nature. Who's to say they aren't Klingon's looking for a new battle or something? :shrug:

tonks said:
i'd wanna leave them alone...i mean...would you want us coming to your planet?

Probably not, but we're trying to anyway - and if we find "your" planet, I guarantee we'll try to land.
Rose said:
Probably not, but we're trying to anyway - and if we find "your" planet, I guarantee we'll try to land.
dude...that's by invitation only...but you got a standing invitation ;)
Rose said:

I think some wires might be crossed somewhere. *accepts invite anyway*
gosh...i was just being friendly....i think...i mean it was a whole 2 minutes ago.....
unclehobart said:
We could spam their interstellar empire with our unused AOL discs.
NO! i want to make a scupture thing or wallpaper a room with them...seriously...any unwanted cds or disks you don't want i will gladly adopt.
tonks said:
NO! i want to make a scupture thing or wallpaper a room with them...seriously...any unwanted cds or disks you don't want i will gladly adopt.

Are you serious? Of any cd or just aol cds ....
Rose said:
Are you serious? Of any cd or just aol cds ....
any..i'll just turn them so the side with the writing is to the wall or i may make windchimes and glue 2 together with the writing on the inside.
Think about this...what if we picked up a tv station from another planet? Sound ridiculous? It could happen. Sit back and just imagine how overwhelming it would be to the folks here on earth even if the signal were a million years old. Just imagine what you might see.