

molṑn labé
Staff member
Here's your future with the Dems in charge.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and the Democrats adjourned the House and turned off the light and killed the microphones, but Republicans are still on the floor talking gas prices.


Madame Speaker knew that as long as the mic's were live, CSPAN had to continue broadcasting, making her look bad. So, in a move reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, she shut 'em down.
I think some of us occasionally wish we could turn the lights and microphones off in TRW :elaugh3:
oh my gawsh they'll repeal the whole bill of rights. the sky is falling. god knows republicans have never made tactical use of the mute button.
linky not needed. common knowledge. next we'll get requests to provide links evidencing the fact that many, many people choose to wear socks.
I'm surprised Queen Nancy didn't lock the door as well.

Linkity link link?
June 17, 2005
PEN USA is shocked by the actions of Rep. James Sensenbrenner, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who turned off Democrats’ microphones last Friday, and stormed out of a hearing about the Patriot Act.

Story Continued...
The Patriot Act, a series of counter-terrorism laws created by the Bush Administration after the September 11th terrorist attacks, is set to expire in September. The hearing was requested by Democrats, who said all the witnesses at the previous ten committee hearings about the Patriot Act supported the law. This time, the witnesses were groups such as Amnesty International USA, and other organizations that have protested the Patriot Act on civil rights and constitutional grounds.
According to what Rep. Jarrold Nadler, (D-NY) revealed to Jim Abrams of The Associated Press, Rep. Sensenbrenner (R- Wis.) was acting rudely, and cut people off in mid-sentence with “an attitude of total hostility.”
The panel ended when Sensenbrenner, one of the original authors of the Patriot Act, walked out. Other Republicans followed, leaving Democrats to protest into turned-off microphones.
Nadler raised his voice as his microphone flickered on and off. Abrams quoted Nadler as saying, “We are not besmirching the honor of the United States. We are trying to uphold it.”
Here's one:
Wouldn't it be nice if we could get all of the idiots and assholes out of politics?

Admittedly that wouldn't be many left...
As a general rule of thumb - anyone who WANTS to become a politician shouldn't be allowed to do so.
Why, thankyou. Sometimes you just can't tell if a posted statement is fact or just wishful thinking...

I wonder if Nan ever got her apology from Sensenbrenner?
:shrug: You're welcome. There's nothing new under the sun.
The Dems or the Republicans. I hate procedural crap. Shit or get off the pot. Their job is to vote. When they silence the ability to vote, which gives us an indicator of their true beliefs, then we're all out. The (R) were morons....they couldn't force a vote when they were in power & they can't force one now.
but wouldn't you support the republicans pulling whatever shenanigans necessary to block a majority democrat vote, on say, a bill that would pay reparations to chinese americans for their ancestors' hardships building railroads 150 years ago?
Just another ploy to keep gas prices high and blame the evil corporations until the election is over. I am amazed that people can't figure what is going on.
but wouldn't you support the republicans pulling whatever shenanigans necessary to block a majority democrat vote, on say, a bill that would pay reparations to chinese americans for their ancestors' hardships building railroads 150 years ago?

as the Republicans proved since 2000, they couldn't get it right anyway. When they had power, the Dems used procedures to stop everything & the (R)s buckled.

Today, Pelosi is playing hardball politics & a few are trying to do something-though it's not enough. too little too late.