
Actually, BCD, your karma has gotten better... you were down to "can only hope to improve" and now you've gotten back up to "has a little shameless behavior in the past." Good job! :wink2:
Amazing...i am only a little bit below the crud of OTC society. The unknown wanderers. Well atleast i am hated rather than forgotten.

Is it better to be forgotten than to be hated, or does hatred define your very presence did i get -10..i had 10 the last time i remember??? HMMM go figure.
ris said:
it would appear some people have been whacking you with the bad-karma stick

Tell me about it. I got -3 karma points from the "nother how you doin" thread just for saying how i was doing. I know i am not liked but please reserve the negative karma abuse for sensible use.

Oh long as it doesn't effect my posting.
Ok, if you want, here are some temp ones. I can do a little better than this at home, All I did was mess with the colors and contrast of the blue schemes icons.