Simon Cowell


New Member
I just read an article on how he is creating quite a stirr in the US version of Pop Idol. :D

What do you think of the guy over there? Personally, I reckon think he's feckin' brilliant, and a refreshing change from some of the dribbly pussies that sometimes judge such competitions (did I just say "dribbly pussies"?). I don't agree with some of his opinions, I just like the way he speaks his mind; there were so many times on the UK show when you would just want to scream at the contestant "YOU HAVE NO TALENT!!!". While he hasn't done that, some of his put-downs have been pretty accurate and straight to the point.

As a person... well, he's a dick. If I knew him I think I'd have to kill him. Plus... I know he's been criticised on for being an camp, arrogant, British twat, but the biggest talking point over here was always his incredibly high waistline. Sometimes the guy's belt was literally up to his nipples. Funny shit. :D
I personally like Simon. Even though he's brutal, at least he's honest. I rather someone tell me straight to my face, then pretend to be nice.
IPH too funny, I love your observations.

Ditto to what Ku'u said. Leslie, it's that American Icon thing again, it's been running for like ever. I dont' know what channel though.
He can't do any more damage than that bitch who hosted "The Weakest Link". Or Benny Hill.

Let's face it, the US imports some fairly uncomplimentary stuff.
Yeah, Benny Hill was cool. I loved the respect he had for women. ;)

Ann Robinson (bitch from The Weakest Link) is not at all cool, however. Really gets on my nerves; I can't watch that programme at all.

Damn... we really send over some stinkers! :D
All Ann Robinson needed was a good, stiff, drink of some Jack Daniels and Coke. Loosen her up a bit, and watch her become more, we look better when she's got on her 'beer goggles'...:D
I don't think Ann Robinson is near the Bitch she plays. I saw a couple episodes that she actually smiled. I just think they wanted her to play a super-bitch to follow the premise of the show.
I met this girl once who used to work with Anne Robinson in the BBC programme 'Watchdog'.
Said she was a bitch.
I think 'forceful' brits have been coming to light lately (Ann and Simon) which is fine, I guess. I don't think they're giving Brits a bad rep.

I was watching one of those "Bad drivers caught on tape" shows with this English host and at every turn was making remarks about how incompetent American law enforcement is and how the drivers are so much worse than in the UK. The next clip was always some criminal arrested by English police and how wonderful they are. It was blatant and annoyingly snooty and I stopped watching because of it. When you get people like that who look down on everyone who isn't English (or maybe just Americans?), that to me is giving them a bad name.
from the brits point of view most of the sit-coms and stuff we import from the us is riddled with 'us is better' and looking down on brits. patronising immitations of posh accents [so true for all brits rolleyes] doesn't half get on your tits when its paraded out for the eleventybillionth time.

you're right, it is snooty. it is also unecessary and cheap in comedy terms. i'd like to slap some of the writers who think the best way to get to a cheap laugh is at another countries/cultures expense.
Yeah, so true ris.

A lot of people in America (not everyone!) thinks that British people are either posh or cockney.
...or French, for some reason. :D

Just as an interesting story, and in no way a reflection on Americans (who I think are very nice btw :D)...
My friend went to America once and she was talking to these girls. The girls asked her how she got to America, and just for a laugh my friend said:
"On the tunnel"

and the girls went...

