
Yeah, I can't wear jandals if I know I'll be standing around a lot. Anyway, I must suck as a girl cos I'm not really into the designer shoe thing. I own maybe 5 nice pairs, and none of them are "brands". Of course, I HAVE bought expensive shoes though.
I like being essentially barefoot too. I love flip flops, crocs and "athletic" shoes that have the very flat, thin sole...except when I have to walk on on top of a roof or something, then I need a sole (but I have to wear safety boots on roofs anyway so it doesn't matter).
Anyway, I must suck as a girl cos I'm not really into the designer shoe thing. I own maybe 5 nice pairs, and none of them are "brands". Of course, I HAVE bought expensive shoes though.

I LOVE SHOES. No, let me rephrase, I LOVE SHOES!! I own about 5 pair of nice shoes just in the color "bone". I can't even count how many nice pair of "black" shoes I have. But then, I was once single with no children and had a job that paid very well. Those days are gone. :crap:
I have one pair of bone shoes...but that's okay - I'm working on the rest of the color palette slowly but surely.
I've just about given up on my girls. They each have a box full of shoes but tend to stick to the same 3-4 pair.
I am rubbing off on Rob, though...
Yeah...funny you should mention that. I was just commenting in another thread that my feet have grown in recent years. I am about a 9 1/4. I can wear some nines and most 9 1/2's.
What size Steve Madden's do you wear? I have a 9.5 of his (gold open toed high heel sandals) that are just too big. I've never been able to keep them on even though I have put in those removable sticky back pads.
Yeah...funny you should mention that. I was just commenting in another thread that my feet have grown in recent years. I am about a 9 1/4. I can wear some nines and most 9 1/2's.
What size Steve Madden's do you wear? I have a 9.5 of his (gold open toed high heel sandals) that are just too big. I've never been able to keep them on even though I have put in those removable sticky back pads.

I don't know. I've never really tried any Madden's on. But I'd be willing to try them! :devious:
Which we unfortunately have no set date. :crap:
I may have to make my very own visit to GA as Payton is just not having it with all this time apart from the girls!
You got it. I'll have to sweep that way when I make the trip to Nashville I've been promising my aunt. When that will be I've no idea!
my current favorite kind of shoes are chinese maryjanes. i'm wearing black cotton ones right now. i want about a billion pairs!