Since I am forbidden to comment

To be honest I really don't see how a man or woman's personal shinanigans can reflect on their job unless its directly related...

Its like the home secretary/ex education secretary David Blunkett here in Blighty... the papers are up in arms over the fact that he's had various encounters with numerous wimmins... but my attitude is "So?..."
ClaireBear said:
To be honest I really don't see how a man or woman's personal shinanigans can reflect on their job unless its directly related...

Its like the home secretary/ex education secretary David Blunkett here in Blighty... the papers are up in arms over the fact that he's had various encounters with numerous wimmins... but my attitude is "So?..."

There are regulations involved here. Regulations he was sworn to uphold...;)
Gato_Solo said:
There are regulations involved here. Regulations he was sworn to uphold...;)

Attack of the "can't be arsed to read full link" I scanned the headline...

Do I have to wade through it all?


I may be some time...

*CB goes off in huff to wade through MSNBC news*
So you guys aren't allowed to "fratinise" thats like tying the hands of a bloke with an itchy sack behind his back! Its just damn cruel! :D
Oh Gato, it only about sex. It nobody's business... right?

Who cares that it conflicts with his job. My wife and I have been thinkibng we should start sleeping with patients to get to know them better. Freud thought it a good Idea'r.

... now if he had sent an email to his mother mentioning Christmas from a Gov't PC.....


He more then knows the rules of the types of relationships. When you have been charged with position of responsibility you MUST adhere to the rules of ethos of the position.

Integrity stands for something, 'specially when you’re as hi-up as he was.
Either you follow the rules or you face the consequences. Beyond all's never a good idea to fuck with people at work. Don't mix business and pleasure!
unclehobart said:
It worked for Clinton... but then I guess the king can get away with much more than the rank and file.

Careful...remember Vince Foster... :massacre:

Seems there is quite a bit of tom foolery in today's Air Force. Allegations are coming quicker than a 16 year old on his first date. I have no idea how many of them have merit, but where there's smoke there might be fire.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Careful...remember Vince Foster... :massacre:

Seems there is quite a bit of tom foolery in today's Air Force. Allegations are coming quicker than a 16 year old on his first date. I have no idea how many of them have merit, but where there's smoke there might be fire.

Not really. All that means is that the process is working the way it's intended, except for one loose-lipped asshole spilling his/her guts to the press, making a mountain out of a mole-hill.
you're not allowed to state your opinion on the rules or the enforcement thereof, Gato? :confuse3:
Leslie said:
you're not allowed to state your opinion on the rules or the enforcement thereof, Gato? :confuse3:

I'm not allowed to disparage a superior officer. I can, however, comment on your comments.
If that's the rule, they gotta play by the rule.

And the not being able to comment on the enforcement of rules is stoopider than the rule in question IMO.
Leslie said:
If that's the rule, they gotta play by the rule.

And the not being able to comment on the enforcement of rules is stoopider than the rule in question IMO.

I can comment on the rules, but not on the general. There is a difference. ;)
unclehobart said:
It worked for Clinton... but then I guess the king can get away with much more than the rank and file.

[Mel Brooks]It's good to be the king.[/Mel Brooks]

Seriously, the sex itself is not the main issue. Breaking the regs is.
" if found guilty, likely would be drummed out of the ranks of general officers by being demoted at least two ranks and retired as a colonel."

That is a harsh punishment and wholly fitting. You'd have to be Demorat president to get away with that type of poor judgment or should I say moral turpitude. Remember only Demorats can get away with anything and everything. We demand greater uprightness from our military. Now if we could make getting knocked up an offense for military members lol