since we care how potential new members feel ..

unclehobart said:
If it happens, it happens. I don't think anyone has a real objection to individualized threads ... but seeing what has taken place over the last 10 days, personalized threads spiral into really bizarre paths... not that the perpetual one hasn't done the same.

umm ... isn't that why this place is called off topic? :p :D
kuulani said:
unclehobart said:
If it happens, it happens. I don't think anyone has a real objection to individualized threads ... but seeing what has taken place over the last 10 days, personalized threads spiral into really bizarre paths... not that the perpetual one hasn't done the same.

umm ... isn't that why this place is called off topic? :p :D
You missed the shakeout over the weekend. Its now: Off Topic within certain lattitude forum.
*quitely reminding you of your comment about a certain thread being moved and I said "don't go there"*
greenfreak said:
It'll be like the Magic Garden. :D

Multiple people: Welcome shadow, ris and na! (see, not that hard) :)

that's a good idea, either an admin, justin or myself can manually edit it, if fury can make some code to change the subject the better.
Welcoming people in their own thread is now a "no-no"
For the 42nd and a half time, I didn't say that. I just said that it could get out of hand if we ever start getting as many members in a day as we used to.

Forget it, I'll just stop talking, everything I fucking say is always blown out of proportion anyway. :headbang:
I don't see where anything is being thrown out of proportion except by you, fury ... and I don't think I deserved to be sworn at either. I asked a question and am looking for, as the rest of us are, viable answers .. some of these suggestions I think are really good. Could they at least be discussed? Mulled over? Something? Rather than swear at me as if I've caused a HUGE problem?
I said very clearly, three times (four now) that assuming the flow of members returns back to where it was when we initially decided to start the perpetual welcome thread, starting a welcome thread for each new member would drive many other threads out of sight, and people who start those other threads would start to get annoyed by the fact that their threads are getting pushed away.

Not once did I say or imply that personal welcome threads are a no-no, I merely pointed out that when they start happening for each new member, despite the intent of those welcome threads, they may make more people feel unwelcome rather than welcome when their legitimate threads get thrown by the wayside. I did that twice, and then once again before I swore at not just you, but everybody that blows my comments out of proportion, and now I've done it once more. :headbang:

I would've only said it once, had I not had to start explaining myself 3 times.
Tell ya what. How about a new forum dedicated to welcoming and introducing members, new and old alike?
Like Who's Who? Can work. As for threads being 'rolled out' of page, the same is true for the "Congrats for the ****th post!" threads...