Site Colors


Kissy Goddess
Has there ever been any other color schemes used for this site?

Would a new color scheme ever be considered?
You mean like greyish-blue?

ooo... I like that one...

It must be lots of extra work.. I am sure... it was just a thought that crossed my mind.

I love blues...
To tell you the truth, it's something that I have been considering for a while, but I haven't had much time to work on it.
It's a proven fact that green is easier on the eyes... of course, none of us spend that much time staring at the OTC screen, so that doesn't really matter. :rolleyes:
ok, if we want to avoid harm to the sight, let's use red :p

btw, i love that scheme fury.
As Secretary Of All Things Green™, I humbly request that you leave the original green color scheme available to me even if you add other schemes lest I be forced to defend the style with vengence and vigor.

Thanking you in advance for your anticipated cooperation,

greenfreak ;)
greenfreak said:
As Secretary Of All Things Green™, I humbly request that you leave the original green color scheme available to me even if you add other schemes lest I be forced to defend the style with vengence and vigor.

Thanking you in advance for your anticipated cooperation,

greenfreak ;)

Agreed, it fits so nice with my green IE titlebar :D

What about yellow? That would be so original :headbang:
greenfreak said:
As Secretary Of All Things Green™, I humbly request that you leave the original green color scheme available to me even if you add other schemes lest I be forced to defend the style with vengence and vigor.

Thanking you in advance for your anticipated cooperation,

greenfreak ;)

IMHO, Greenie is not the type of person you want to piss off. She knows how to use needles. Besides, I personally like the green. If you do make a new theme, can we still choose?
HwC == green. that's my relation between green and OTC as well. even though HwC doesn't have much green anymore lately...

i'd say, add schemes if you like, just keep this one default :)
My connection is even when I have myself banned so I can do HW (I feel another one of those coming on soon) I still come and look at the "You_been_banned" page a couple times throughout the night so I can see the green.