Slackware 10.0


Not really Banned
hey markjs, have you given slack 10 a try yet? i manually upgraded my 9.0 install with the 10.0 packages and I've been pretty impressed so far. granted i've got a lot of fixing to do since most of my system has been recompiled by me, resulting in a lot of duplicate apps that i have to track down and remove. 10.0 looks like it's going to be a good one.
Hey, tommyj, do you have a highspeed download source? I'm converting my PVR to freevo, and I'd like to try it on Slackware.
chcr said:
Hey, tommyj, do you have a highspeed download source? I'm converting my PVR to freevo, and I'd like to try it on Slackware.
you mean where did i get it? i can't remember exactly, i did a remote download to a buddy's server then went and burned off discs at his place. he's moving so his server is down today and i can't check. but here was the list of mirrors i used.
this one may have been it, looks pretty fast.
or here
there are also torrents set up if you're familiar with bt:
not really, depending on how much memory you have and what applications you run you may never have a need for it. up until i got around to fixing it about a week ago, my desktop ran without a swap for 6 months, no problems. i've got 768mb of physical memory and a 256M swap partition. you can also configure a swap partition after the install. create your swap partition using 'fdisk' or 'cfdisk'. initialize it with 'mkswap' and you can activate it with the 'swapon' command. i would suggest reading the man pages for all of those commands. you'll also need to add an entry for your swap partition to the /etc/fstab file before running swapon. something like this:

/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
I knew how to do it tommy, I just forgot to. :lloyd: 256 megs of RAM, but it wouldn't boot? Went back in with the cd, initialized it and it boots fine. Maybe I installed too many packages, but I'm like a kid in a candy store with that shit. Right now I'm having a little argument with Python over dependencies.
256 should be more than enough to get the system up and running. does it boot w/o the cd now?
tommyj27 said:
256 should be more than enough to get the system up and running. does it boot w/o the cd now?
Yep. That was all I did to it to. Weird, huh?