Slim! Remember this old scam?

I didn't want to use the Kiwi sheep buggring....I have but one pair of pants left....and winter is coming.

Besides - we find Kiwis slightly distasteful, but still amusing.

We hate Aussies passionately.

(Can't wait for the tri-nations to start - my blood pressure has been feeling a bit low)
Gato_Solo said:
Oh...and tonksy...

1. Why are you being called a 'monkey'? I always called you Navy pukes "Squids" or "Swabbies"...

Because in Unc's "Let's Have Fun Thread" he received a hit that said cut your hair your monkey fucking beatnik.

I couldn't quit saying 'outloud at my desk' tonky is a monkey. I posted it thinking it was funny. In usual Tonksy fashion she one uped the joke and flinged poo at me. It grew from there.
simplyred said:
Because in Unc's "Let's Have Fun Thread" he received a hit that said cut your hair your monkey fucking beatnik.

I couldn't quit saying 'outloud at my desk' tonky is a monkey. I posted it thinking it was funny. In usual Tonksy fashion she one uped the joke and flinged poo at me. It grew from there.

Ahhh...Now I feel silly. :lol2: