markjs said:Please people.......There are 2 rules from Alcoholics Anonymous that are best adhered to if one is to get smoothly though life. They are: Rule 62. Don't take yourself too damn seriously and, Rule 63. Don't take anybody else too damn seriously
chcr said:Psst...
AA's success rate is the same as the success rate of people who try to quit with no help at all, around 5%. Of course that would be something they don't advertise.
BTW, cat, I maintain that there isn't that much difference between the Libs and Cons either. They both want the same things, to tell you what to think and how to think it. They even use similar methodology. The only difference is really what they want you to think, and that's usually the least important part of the agenda.
markjs said:Please people.......There are 2 rules from Alcoholics Anonymous that are best adhered to if one is to get smoothly though life. They are: Rule 62. Don't take yourself too damn seriously and, Rule 63. Don't take anybody else too damn seriously