Are we going to hear 4 more years of the same old rhetoric or can somebody, somewhere please come up with something new.
Some Canadian rag
Canadians to Bush: Hope You Lose, Eh
By Jonathon Gatehouse Feb 6, 2004, 10:24
According to a new poll, only 15 per cent of us would vote for the President
February 9, 2004-Maybe it's that smug little smile. His penchant for fantastically expensive military photo-ops. Or the swaggering, belt-hitching walk that cries out for a pair of swinging saloon doors. And though, God knows, we have too many of our own syntactically challenged politicians to be casting stones, shouldn't the leader of the free world know that "misunderestimate" isn't a word?
Yes, we're cavilling, but clearly there is something about George W. Bush that gets under the skin of Canadians.
Some Canadian rag