SnP's hero....

"We love this flag. We love our heritage," said Hanks, of Lexington.

Simply put, yet all encompassing.

Hanks said that Dodd, Biden and other Democrats running for president "would probably say most anything if it would get them votes."

Simply put, yet all encompassing.

In 2000, as the NAACP began its South Carolina tourism boycott, the flag was flying on the Capitol dome and in House and Senate chambers. Legislators agreed to take the flag down that year, but raised the banner outside the Statehouse beside a Confederate soldiers monument.

Seems like a fair trade off, except we got hosed. Now they want that gone too. Whodathunkit? Led by the AhRevarrrunnnd AhJacckkksssssssahhhnnnn, it'll stir some shit when headline time rolls around. Thanks to their total politcal ineptitude, now they are assured a fight from the SCV and the SLRC. Kudos to ya Jesse, 'preciate the tip.

Biden expects legislators here will eventually move the flag. Pointing to his heart, he said, "as people become more and more aware of what it means to African-Americans here, this is only a matter of time."

On Sunday, Dodd told The Associated Press at a King remembrance service in Greenville that the Confederate flag belongs in a museum.

Good to know what you think there pal. As a Southerner, we'll be sure and give that the full merit it so richly deserves. Now get the hell out of here, m'kay? Take a few hundred transplants with ya if you don't mind while yer at it.

And Biden is partially right. The more people who TRULY know what it means the bigger this issue is gonna get. I'm doing my part and and least three other people's parts. Deo vindice, and that right soon.

It's political bandstanding, no less than one would expect today. It's like waving a flag on July's to be expected. All they really did was open a can of worms and show their hand prematurely (as is the Demorat habit) so as to allow opposition time to get their act together.

I of course hope they fall flat on their faces and run back to Delaware (the last state to make slavery illegal for those who don't know) with their collective tails between their legs. I don't recall too many Southern politicians going up to Bahstahn or environs and telling them how to run their business, but I guess certain types just can't help themselves. Maybe it's genetic. Who knows? All I know is I see way too damn much of it on a daily basis.

Fly them flags, and fly 'em proud. It's about all we have left.

For now.
Just as soon as Joe Biden moves to SC, then he can voice his opinion over somethign that does not touch his life whatsoever. Right now, he's just another whiner. I happen to agree with the principle but I don't live in SC.
well, it's just a "hop, skip, and a jump" away from not being able
to smoke, fly The flag, or have sex, in our own bedrooms, much less the whole house.:grumpy:

I'm about ready (again :p) to declare war on PC.:cool4:
This just in...PC no longer means 'Politically Correct'. During a midnight vote, Congress has elected to change the meaning to "Publically Castrated'. Film at 11:00...:D