So anyway

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Maybe if you clarified the rules a bit it would help?

For example blah blah whine

Also maybe blah whimper moan graon

It's probably blah yak yak

Page One said:
Members: 1,405

So out of 1405 people, you and this chick and maybe a dozen more have trouble figuring it out. 99% of the people who join seem to have little difficulty with it. Tell me, does that imply paranoia or stupidity for the 1%?

I know which camp I'm in, just wondering if I'm right. Again.

G'day. :)
So out of 1405 people, you and this chick and maybe a dozen more have trouble figuring it out. 99% of the people who join seem to have little difficulty with it. Tell me, does that imply paranoia or stupidity for the 1%?

it? Oh, the fact that there's just one big fat clique and when you aint in it, you're KK'd for pretty much anything they can do.
Actually, I've been browsing around... and I've seen some pretty shitty remarks made by some of the admin team... I guess if you have the power you're supposed to abuse it.
There is no discussion here. This is a disciplinary action and you have no place sticking your nose into it.

Really? Everybody else seems to be putting in their 2 cents. Do you mean to say that people that see a problem shouldn't stick their nose into it?
So out of 1405 people, you and this chick and maybe a dozen more have trouble figuring it out. 99% of the people who join seem to have little difficulty with it. Tell me, does that imply paranoia or stupidity for the 1%?

What percentage of those have stuck around you think? :p

Have you been on the wrong end of this kinda thing before or something? Seems like you might have... I'd like to see what happened there lol...
Spike, references to Winky aren't gonna help as 2 (or 3 or more) wrongs don't make a right.

Many wrongs with only select ones being dealt with certainly don't make a right.

Just you rest your mind that folks that have crossed the line are being dealt with. You may not know about the events that take place because it is not for public dissemination but they are being addressed.

Well it certainly doesn't seem to be working in Winky's and others case.

If you feel that you yourself are being attacked then feel free to report it to whichever of the mods you feel like dealing with but stay out of the way of the process lest you get stepped on....and that is in no way a threat - it's good advice :)

Sure it's always good to ignore things that are broken. That's how they get fixed.
spike, you know the place to make suggestions and this thread isn't. If you have any ideas that you think would make this a better place, by all means express them where they should be. Doing so within a thread made by someone KKed will only qualify as whining.

If you are willing to make such a contribution to the site, do not do something like:
blablabla, all the admins are unfair, they do what they want blablabla this is a shitty place
(not that you said anything like that)

instead of something like:
I propose the following guidelines to classify what is acceptable in a forum...

Have you been on the wrong end of this kinda thing before or something? Seems like you might have... I'd like to see what happened there lol...

Yeah, with Gato who apparently you also had problems with. I got an official warning from Gonz for "insulting other members" even though he clearly insulted me first in the thread and an admin told me he got no similar warning.

Here's the thread. Although it looks like it's been edited. Here's the discussion about it where Gonz stated for the record that there is indeed favoritism.

Gato is another one that often makes unprovoked personal attacks. He will later just simply claim it wasn't an insult (like he did in the above incident) so somehow that gets him his pass.
Doing so within a thread made by someone KKed will only qualify as whining.

Whatever, I see discussion of the recent incident as topical. With so many insults flowing through her last two threads they seem to be perfect examples of the issue.

instead of something like: "I propose the following guidelines to classify what is acceptable in a forum..."

Made a proposal up above in this thread actually.
Yeah, seems to me the people complaining about me addressing the issues without adding anything useful are the ones whining.
Seems to me that you should make suggestions in the proper forum, this is the 3rd time I say this. There won't be a 4th.
I only made the one suggestion anyway. But no more!

So I'll just continue with the thread's discussion. Cool with you?
Many wrongs with only select ones being dealt with certainly don't make a right.

Well it certainly doesn't seem to be working in Winky's and others case.

Sure it's always good to ignore things that are broken. That's how they get fixed.

Lookit you. Have you seen Wink about the joint recently - as in today? no? Maybe it's because we did something about his latest shenanigan. Did we have to come out and make an announcement about it? No, because it's between him and the admins.
You seem to be going out of your way to stir some shit up and it's really chafing. You are backing a losing horse and I am sorry you don't see it. I, for one, happen to like you and enjoy hearing a different view about things but you really need to choose your battles. OTC is not a public service and our rules do not have to be cuddly and friendly. We are a group of folks out to have a good time without this incessant idiotic drama stemming from a child that didn't like getting her hand slapped for being out of line. Simply put.
It's time to put it to bed.
Even more simply put: This thread is going to be closed. Any more like it will be deleted out of hand. Keep trying to stir it up and you will face discipline. That goes for any of you.

Yes... you too, Winky.
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