So hey, anyone object to unbanning me?

So hey, I'm a troll feed me feed me!

now wasn’t that a twisted bit of logic
just to generate drama and garner moar attention?
Lame stuff indeed.

Explain to me how Gotholic insulted you here.

I didn't say Goth was insulting me. Ignore the stuff Winky made up.

You have to read what Goth quoted and bolded, then read what he wrote, and then read what I wrote.
I've stated from the beginning... there needs to be a limit that no more 1/10th of a persons posts may be in the RW. Cross that limit, you're blocked. Force people to interact outside the RW, and the RW will a more livable place.

That would block just about everyone. Seems like a different topic.
This is like TRW with implied permission to say whatever we like, whenever we like, as much as we like. Maybe this is TRW and TRW is trapped in another dimension. It seems like better debates go on here than in TRW once everyone puts away their rulers.

I want him back because, although he sometimes frustrates me to distraction, he keeps me mentally exercised. He does seem to have improved his debating skills and he includes valid links and cites in his posts now.
Everyone knew what Gothy meant

We are the one's that can not read
We are the one's that do not understand
We are somehow deficient and flawed
Yet you are the one in the KK

So, spike, wassup with the baiting signature you've still got? A representation of how you've changed?
Yes Cerise, do you see something wrong with these direct quotes? What is it exactly?

Winky and RM have been kind enough to show exactly the kind of bias goes on in this very thread.

Winky said:
this miscreant juvenile

That's name calling right? Isn't that a personal attack?

my name is Spike and I'm an Internet Troll.

That's name calling right? Isn't that a personal attack?

Oh and hey Spike: screw you!

Am I officially allowed to say this to any other member?

RM said:
never an insult from ol' Spik

Spik? Really?

Some previous examples....

Oh this insult had to be removed. It's ok though. "well trained monkey" was the insult.

Shit, this one had to be deleted too. "eat a dick" was what it used to say.

"You pee on yourself at the made up possibilities in your head. Enjoy the smell of your own urine."

"Here you're shitting on yourself"

"you would make a better argument if you just typed with your face"

"Do you know why retarded people always look happy? -- because they are happy.

Have another happy day."

"Wring out your panties and relax, smoke another joint, imagine your Che' Guevara and be happy."

Anyone want to tell me why it's ok for Winky and RM and only a problem when I respond in similar fashion?

Or more interesting when they still do this and I don't respond in a similar way for over 6 months why am I still banned from the RW.
I'll be perfectly honest with all of you ... This entire site is a toilet that needs flushed. If it weren't for the precious links and conversations of the past contained within, I'd actively endorse just shutting the shithole down and saying good riddance to the lot.

Frankly, even skimming this place turns my stomach sour. It's gone from a friendly place to converse to a non-stop sniping match. I'd be amazed if any of you have any true friends in real life at all.
You're the precious exception that proves the rule, Cat. i'd happily share a website with you any day.