so how come is it...


Staff member
that recently when I click on any java-ishy link, IE closes itself entirely?

IE6 SP2, XP HomeSP1 ... :confuse3:
Are you using MS Java or Sun's Java?

I recommend you to install Sun's Java and disable all options under Microsoft VM.
Sun's is there under Tools...I dunno? Dunno even how it got there? How do I find out which is the default? :confuse3:

It all works fine in Netscape.
Go to Advanced Options tabs (Internet Explorer options), is Java (Sun) checked and Microsoft VM options disabled?

Also, go to control panel, open Java Plugin, go to browsers and see check Netscape/Mozilla and Internet Explorer
Luis G said:
Go to Advanced Options tabs (Internet Explorer options), is Java (Sun) checked and Microsoft VM options disabled?

Also, go to control panel, open Java Plugin, go to browsers and see check Netscape/Mozilla and Internet Explorer
that was it Luis, that's great!! It's workin now :kiss:
so I know nothing about Java, what it is, what it does, right?

this morning I get up, I'm doing my little :gmorning: browse'n'wakeup dealie, and find a little windowy thing tellin me there is a Sun Java update, and it's fairly insistent, so finally I tell it to go ahead.

It does its thing, and says i need to restart, so I go :gmorning: ok...
and it comes back on to a black screen with no system disk please insert disk and press any key. :eek:


I FREAKED!!! I hit the key blindly a bajillion times, turned the puter on and off and on and off, tried the system restore, I was PEAKING!
I checked the CD and DVD drives, just in case the kids had left something in there, empty. It was 7:30 am and I didn't think fury would appreciate a freaked out call on his cell at that hour, so I sat down and almost cried...just stared blankly, turned it off and on one more time...
then I remembered to check the floppy drive :retard:

neighbour had been over a few days ago to print her resume and not taken her diskette with her. :yell:

I was so relieved, but man I felt sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo useless!!!

*how much I hated Java before is nothing on how much I hate it now :lol:
You'll hate it even more when you find the diskette has a malicious virus. :eek:
In control panel, go to Java Plugin, disable the automatic update check.