So I met a boy...


New Member
So I meet this boy through some friends and I really think that I like him. Problem is, he is best friends with a guy that was totaly in love with me and crushin all hard for me. I told that guy that I wasn't really interested and not ready for that stuff and he got all butt hurt over it. But he still has other girls, so I don't think it would be a big deal if me and this boy started hanging out more. He lives all far away anyway, so it would be kinda hard anyway.

Do you think it could work considering how we met?
If you told him you were not ready, but now you are ready to start something with anohter guy, maybe he will bet upset. That's the kind of thing that use to piss me off...
If he lives far away, you probably won't see him much and you'll end up gettin hurt. Find someone you can spend time with.
What the fuck is this shit with getting hurt all the fucking time?? :mad: If he lives far away, you won't see him a lot and you'll forget about him, end of story. Or you won't forget him and have good sex when you get together. "Getting hurt" is for dickarse retards who don't know the difference between feelings and showing off.

Besides, I thought you didn't like boys? :shrug:
a13antichrist said:
Besides, I thought you didn't like boys? :shrug:

I never said that. Love has no gender. There a few guys out there that I am sexualy attracted to, very few, but they are out there.
princess I have said this to other members on here. we cannot make decisions for you we can only support and care about you. wish you the best and love works in mysterious ways so i dont see why you shouldnt go for it. but try to ease the pain of the friend to. ne honest with him. good luck. we luv ya
*ignores Frank's post*

I went to coffee with him today and he invited me to the fiend fest this weekend. I am so excited! He seems really sweet and we have lots in common. I will just have to see how it goes I guess.
If I was a hooker maybe, but I am not. Unlike him I have morals and only share my body with someone when I am ready to share my entire being with them.
I share my body with someone when I'm ready to share my body with them.

You don't have to get your pilot's license before driving a car.

And they're not morals, they're called inhibitions.
you dont think shed feel bad sleeping with two guys? shit some people are ployamorous some arent. why cant she say thats her morals even tho you see it differently?
I think what he's trying to say is that getting laid doesn't hurt any natural moral laws in any way... Fidelity(?) is not a natural law ias restriction reated by society...
What I'm saying is that the idea that the criteria for sleeping with people has anything to do with love or romance or commitment or anything other than sexual attraction, should have gone out the window in the 20th century with Religion and horse-drawn carts.
become a Nun. No more guy troubles and moral dillemas. Just sweet sweet praise of the lord for the rest of your blessed life.
a13antichrist said:
What I'm saying is that the idea that the criteria for sleeping with people has anything to do with love or romance or commitment or anything other than sexual attraction, should have gone out the window in the 20th century with Religion and horse-drawn carts.

thats where we disagree. it depends on teh person. i personally cant sleep with soemoen im not in love with and she would be the only one(unless she wants to bring another girl in). and also some people have a different moral standing than you do. keep that in mind
a13, I agree with freako on that one, i won't even kiss a woman on the lips if i don't feel something for her, the girl can be a supermodel and still i'd refuse to kiss her, it is something very personal for me, i won't share that with anyone just because there's some sort of sexual attraction.

To make my point clearer, i'd put trust and confidence as an analogy, following what you said, it would seem like you'd trust anyone just because their face looks friendly, i wouldn't.